Onboarding Assistant: Organisation Structure Data Upload File

  • Updated


One of the first items that needs to be addressed in your onboarding process is the company structure. Here, you will need to upload the names of the departments/units/sections of your company. The Organisation Chart on Talexio shows the structure of your business in the system for the purpose of assigning employees to these Organisation Units and directly relates to assigning and managing permissions on the system.

Manual Updates

You can create your organisation structure manually by going to the Settings main menu item on the left hand side and clicking on the Organisation tab. You can read more about setting these up here. 


Bulk Import Template

To bulk upload the organisation structure as part of your onboarding process, click on the 'download template' button. An excel spreadsheet will be downloaded. This will need to be filled out based on your company structure. To upload the template, simply save the file, go back to the Onboarding Assistant and select 'Upload'. 

The fields in the template are:

  • Name: this column is the only mandatory field. Here you need to input the name of the department/unit/section. You may input as many departments as you need (each must be inputted as a separate row.
  • Description: this is an optional field. Here you would input a sentence or phrase to describe the unit.
  • Parent: this field must only be inputted if the department falls under another department. In this case, you would need to input the name of the parent department here.
  • Is_Business_Unit: this field must only be inputted (you can either input YES or NO) if the department is a separate company to the rest of the units. This means that the department has its own PE number. It will still appear on your Talexio profile, but would have a separate payroll. If a department is not a business unit, there is no need to select 'NO'. You may leave it blank. 

Example of template filled in:


Result of organigram based on the filled in template:


Once these are set up, you may also link these Units to the relevant employees through bulk import or within the employee Position History.

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