Impersonating Users

Daniel Galea St John
Daniel Galea St John
  • Updated


If you are an administrator of your company's account, you may impersonate other users. This feature can be used if you would like to ensure that other users' permissions are as intended. 



To be able to impersonate other users, you will need to have the Manage Permissions permission as well as have Multi Factor Authentication set up on your account. For information on how to set up multi factor authentication, click here. You will also need any permissions required to view other employees. For more information on this, click here

How to Impersonate users

  1. Go to profile of the employee you would like to impersonate (either from the People section, or through the search bar at the top).

  2. From the employee's dashboard, click on the 3 dots and click on the last option, titled 'Impersonate'. Note: In order to see the "Impersonate" option in the menu, you will first need to enable the multi factor authentication on your account.

  3. Input the 6 digit code found in your authenticator app: 

  4. You will be logged in as 'impersonating the employee':

It is important to note that any action made through impersonation will go through. For example, if you impersonate an employee and book leave, the request for the leave will go through normally as though done by the employee him/herself. 

The historical activity log will record any actions done through impersonation:
