How do I submit a performance review?

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Employees are assigned performance reviews to reflect on work completed, give and receive feedback, and improve teamwork. Self-reviews highlight achievements and goals, while peer reviews build collaboration and fairness. This helps everyone grow and strengthens the organization. This article shows how you can submit a review on Talexio when you have been assigned one to complete.


To submit a review that an employee has been included in, they will need the permission View Performance Reviews on Self.

More information on the permissions used in the Performance Management module can be found here.

Submitting a review

When you have been assigned a review to complete, you will receive an email notification to let you know who is the subject of the review and when it is due. You can click on the button Complete Review to take you straight to the review in Talexio.


Once logged into Talexio, you will also see a notification in your Performance Management Dashboard in the For me to review pod.


To complete and submit the review, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. From the For me to review pod or from the Reviews tab, click on the review button to open the review box.

  2. In the box that appears, you will see each of the competencies split based on the categories they have been assigned to. You will need to submit for each competency a score rating where it has been asked for. If there is no score rating, you will need to supply a comment.
    Additional comments are not mandatory, however, they can prove to be extremely useful for the employees and managers reviewing these.

  3. Should you wish, you can click on Save Draft Review to save the comments and scores given so that you can come back and publish the completed review later.
    If this is the completed review, click on Save & Publish Review.

Published scores can be found in the Reviews tab. 


Can I unpublish a review once it has been published?

Yes, you can unpublish a review once it has been published. From the Reviews tab, click on the eye icon to view the submission


From the submission box, click on Unpublish Review.

If the review has been Finalised by the manager, you will not be able to unpublish the review.

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