Release Notes 30/10/2019



  1. Validation on deletion of leave type. User is not allowed to delete a system leave type or if there is leave booked for the leave type being deleted
  2. Leave Calendar view - previous and next arrows
  3. Date picker allows manual input
  4. Leave breakdown and leave entitlement adjustments visible to employees
  5. Number of hours of leave booked, now shows in the Leave Request, Leave Approval, Leave Calendar, Leave list and Exports
  6. Booking of Leave on Public Holidays and weekends - booking leave on these days, assuming that employee does not work on these days based on the settings in the Job Schedule, will automatically NOT deduct leave balance.
  7. Leave reports: Renaming of field titles in Leave Totals by Employee report
  8. Booking of Leave for employees on irregular hours
  1. Considerations for Pensioners (do not pay NI and MLF and do not receive Sickness Benefit if Date of Birth is equal to or above 65 years of age)
  2. Automatic Leave accrual based on hours worked, for employees on irregular job schedule
  3. Considerations for employees on irregular job schedule and booking maternity leave
  4. Fix for calculation of hours worked for employees terminated prior to end of month
  1. Employee > Employment: Show Job Schedule in view
  2. Employee > Export data & Edit Columns - New field options to export or show any data relevant to employees
  3. New sections on the Employee Dashboard, editable by the employee: Something about me, Interested, Knowledge
  1. New template document placeholder (himself/herself)
Bug Fixes
  1. On generation of template document
  2. On download of Payroll Totals report
  3. On creation of new Position History and including Adjustments/Fringe Benefits at the same time
  4. On creating a new Position title (from Settings) - it was showing the details of the last job title in the list
  5. Marital Status Spouse ID
  6. Payroll - Number of contributions shows as zero when the employee is paying NI elsewhere
  7. Focus My Meetings updates