Payslip overview

  • Updated


Once you have created your payroll, you may open each individual payslip to check out its contents, as well as make any amendments.



You need to ensure that you have the Manage payroll permission. Having this permission on global will give you access to the entire payroll.

So what are the contents of the payslip?

To open a payslip, simply click on the name of the employee in the payroll view.

Here, you will see four different tabs (if you do not have the Time & Attendance module, you will only see three):

  • This includes all the details of the payslip such as gross, net amounts, tax, SSC, adjustments, etc.

  • Here, you will be able to see any leave taken within the payroll period which is attached to the payslip. If this tab includes a yellow exclamation mark icon then this means that leave was booked for an employee after the payslip was created (you will also see a warning in a yellow ribbon on top). To update the payslip, you will need to refresh it

  • This tab is only available for employees who are paid based on basic hours or overtime coming from approving clockings in the Time & Attendance section. If the tab includes a yellow exclamation mark icon then this means that there are approved clockings which have not been attached to the payslip for an employee. This is generally the case if the clockings were approved after the payslip was created (you will also see a warning in a yellow ribbon on top). To update the payslip, you will need to refresh it.

  • This tab includes the employee's position details (start date, yearly/hourly salary, tax status, etc). This tab's main function is to avoid you having to exit the payroll and load the employee's profile whilst doing a payroll. 

But I'm interested in knowing more about the payslip tab. 

Right, let's get into the all important payslip tab. This tab is divided in three sections:

  • Basic & deductions;
  • Totals column;
  • Adjustments, overtime & extra hours, and leave payoffs.

Basic and deductions

This part is made up of the following:

  • These include the monthly/weekly/fortnightly/4-weekly hours worked by the employee during the payroll period. Additional hours are added below this field when an employee is entitled to be paid for public holiday hours falling within that payroll period.
  • This field is calculated by multiplying the basic hours by the employee's hourly rate.
  • These two fields include the social security amounts to be paid by the employer and employee.
  • SSC Mondays: This is made up of the number of Mondays within the payroll period (and is use to determine the SSC and Maternity fund amounts. Please note that when an employee is new to payroll and doesn't have previous payroll data included in the system, that employee might have to pay an additional Monday's worth of SSC and Maternity fund.
  • This is the tax paid by the employee on his/her income. Should the employee be on the part-time tax rates, this will be reflected accordingly. And where an employee pays overtime tax concession, this too will be added as an additional field.
  • This is the sum of the employee's salary for the period prior to considering deductions.
  • If an employee is paid some cash in advance, this would reflected here.
  • This is the amount that employee will receive.
  • Here you may add a note to the employee to view on his/her payslip.

Please note that if you want to amend any of the above, you will need to untick the auto checkbox:

Totals column

Here you will see the totals of each item. For example, the hours will include public holiday and leave hours. You can also see workings for basic hours, tax, SSC, government bonuses, and maternity fund by clicking on the tooltip button:

The calculations are also available in the Payslip Workings button:

Adjustments, overtime & extra hours, and leave payoffs

By default, the adjustments section will be automatically populated with the government bonus in March, June, September and December, as well as any allowances set in the employee's profile. However, users may add any ad-hoc adjustments by clicking on add adjustment. 

Overtime and extra basic hours can also be added by clicking on Add hours

Finally, the leave payoff section is automatically populated whenever an employee is terminated and still has leave in their balance. Nevertheless, users may add a leave payoff at any time by clicking 'Add leave payoff'. 

Whenever I amend a field, the payslip do not update. 

You might notice that whenever you add/amend something in a payslip, a small box with the words 'pending calculation' will appear above the totals column. 


Whenever this happens, you will need to click on the calculate button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen to update the payslip:

Finally, when you are done, click lock to lock the payslip. Please note that payslips may be unlocked. For information on how to publish the payslip to your employee, click here.
