Maltese public holidays are automatically populated on Talexio each year. If you would like to import the public holidays of other countries, follow the steps below.
You will need the Manage Public Holidays permission, and this needs to be set on global.
Adding Public Holidays Individually
With this permission, you will be able to access the Public Holidays tab in the Leave section. Here, you will see a list of all the public holidays for each year. The Maltese public holidays are pre-populated. However, you may edit or delete them. You may also add new one individually, as well as import in bulk.
To add a public holiday individually, click on the +Add Public Holiday button and input the details:
- Name: this is the name of the public holiday
- Country: this is the country for which the public holiday relates
- Date: the date of the public holiday
Adding Public Holidays in Bulk
By clicking on the Import Public Holiday button, you will be able to add public holidays in bulk:
Booking Leave on Public Holidays
If an employee's current job schedule includes "Works public holidays", then any leave booked for that employee on a public holiday will be deducted from the employee's leave balance (as though it were a normal working day).
If Works public holidays is unticked, then 0 hours of leave will be deducted from an employee's balance, should leave be requested on a public holiday.
Public Holidays in Payroll
If an employee's current job schedule is Fixed, then public holidays will form part of the employee's basic hours.
If an employee's job schedule is Not Fixed, then such hours are displayed and paid separately at the end of each quarter. Check this out for detailed information.
Any public holidays worked can then be worked at a different hourly rate.