Creating a Payroll and Adding Employees

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Calculating your company's payroll can be tricky. Talexio makes this process as simple as possible. Before computing a payroll, you need to ensure that the employees' positions are updated and correct.



You need to ensure that you have the Manage Payroll permission. Please note that you will also need the Generate Employee FSS documents permission if you wish to generate FS5s, FS7, and FS3s.

Opening a new Payroll

Payrolls can be created individually or can be created in bulk.

Creating Payrolls in bulk is only available for Monthly Payroll frequencies where the Pay Date is within the same month. Other payrolls will need to be created individually.

Both process are outlined below:

  • To create an individual payroll:
    1. Go to the Payroll section;
    2. If applicable, select from the dropdown the appropriate Business Unit;
    3. Click on the appropriate Payroll Frequency Tab;
    4. Select the year you wish to calculate payroll for;
    5. Click + Create a Payroll;

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    6. In the dialog that opens the frequency will be set according to what is selected in Step 3. You will then need to choose:
      Create Payroll 2.jpg
      1. The payslip period being covered;
      2. The pay date which will be used in the Bank File;
      3. The appropriate FS5 month for this payroll;
      4. Specified Leave & Clocking periods if they are different to the payroll period in Step 6.1
    7. Once all details are completed click Save and your new payroll will show in the list.

    Create Payroll 3.jpg
    1. Go to the Payroll section;
    2. If applicable, select from the dropdown the appropriate Business Unit;
    3. Click on the Monthly Payroll Frequency Tab;
    4. Select the year you wish to calculate payroll for;
    5. Click on the 3 dot burger menu on the right hand side and click Create Multiple Payrolls;

      Create Payroll Bulk.jpg

    6. Choose the Pay Dates for each Monthly Payroll either:

      Create Payroll Bulk 2.jpg

      1. Manually per month for specific dates, or;
      2. Using Set Automatic Pay Date rules, or;
      3. Using Set a Specific Monthly Pay Date
    7. Select Next
    8. If applicable, specify the Leave Period if it is different from the Payroll Period.

      Create Payroll Bulk 3.jpg

    9. Click Finish and your new payrolls will show in the list.To create multiple payrolls:
    Create Payroll Bulk 4.jpg

Specify Leave/Clocking range dates

When creating a payroll, you may choose a leave/clocking date period that would determine which leave requests/clockings should fall within this payroll period. 

For example, if you are working on the May payroll, but want to include leave from the 1st of May till the 20th of May only, you may use the below settings. Then, in the June payroll, you can include leave from the 21st of May. This will allow you to finalise payroll before the end of the month (whilst allowing employees to book leave when they require). 

If you do select the leave/clocking period, a note will be automatically added to each payslip in the following format: “Includes leave/clocking for dates between {date} and {date}”. You may edit the note through the "Add Employee button" within the payroll roll (check the next section for more information on this.

Adding Employees to a Payroll

Once the payroll is created, and you click on the Payroll Number in blue to open that Payroll, you will notice that there are no employees in the payroll yet. To add the employees to the payroll, click Add Employees.

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The list of employees available to be added to the payroll are those who:

  • Have the same Payroll Frequency in their Employment Position as this Payroll (i.e. Monthly);
  • Have an active Employment Position or have a terminated Employment Position within 6 months of the Payroll Period.
  • Have 'Country' set in their Employment Position as Malta

Add Employees.jpg

Using the filters and checkboxes you can select/remove the employees who will be added into the payroll. It is recommended the calc. now? button is selected so that the selected employees' payroll will be calculated automatically when they are added to the payroll.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, press Add, and the system will add your employee(s) to payroll with the automatic calculations completed.

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If you did not select the calc. now? button, you will notice the below in your payroll. You will need to click on the Calculate payslips button which will calculate all uncalculated payslips. It will not refresh any payslips that have already been calculated.

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Creating groups of employees in the Payroll

When adding employees into the Payroll, you can create groupings of employees in the payroll view. From the +Add Employees dialog, after selecting the employees to be included in the group, on the left hand side you can add the Group Name and Colour.



The grouping can also be done after employees have been added to the payroll by selecting the employees to be grouped and clicking on the Group button where you can set the Group Name and Colour.

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Users can now apply the settings created in previous payroll group, assigned to employees by ticking a checkbox titled “Use groups from last payroll.” When ON, all assigned payroll groups from any previous payroll will be created automatically with the assigned employees. Also, When this checkbox is ON the option to create a new group while adding employees to payroll, is available.



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