Completing a Checklist

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Checklists help organize tasks for things like onboarding and offboarding employees. You can assign tasks to different people, set deadlines, and ensure nothing is overlooked. Employees assigned to tasks will need to mark they have been completed. This article explains how that is done.


For employees to action their own checklists, there is no permission required. To mark a checklist belonging to someone else as complete, you need the permission Manage Checklist over the employee. More information on Checklist permissions can be found here.

Completing a Checklist

Checklists are marked as completed when all tasks are completed. From the Checklist tab in the Checklist section, you will be able to see the completion status based on the check marks in green per checklist.

Checklists Assigned.jpg

In a lot of cases, tasks will be marked as completed by simply accessing the Checklist from your account and clicking on the icon to action the checklist.

Complete Checklist.jpg

From the box that appears, click on the check button next to the task that has been completed.

Complete Checklist Radio Button.jpg

Alternatively, you can use the popper menu to mark a task as complete.

Complete Checklist Popper.jpg

In some cases, to mark a task as completed, you will need to upload an attachment first. Until an attachment is provided, you will not be able to mark it as complete.

Complete Checklist Upload.jpg


Checklist Conversations

Talexio has a chat/conversation feature that allows employees to discuss the checklist within the Checklist itself. Employees can use this feature to request further information from HR teams etc.

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When a message is sent, the checklist assignees will receive an email alerting them to the message just sent on the checklist.

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