You may channel all applications coming from different sources, including recruitment agencies, to one platform, you Talexio ATS Plus. To do so, you will need to invite the Third Party Referral on the relevant vacancy. If a particular vacancy includes applications that are coming from Third Party Sources, you can communicate directly with Third-Party Sources through the Vacancy Applications tab..
Sending communication to Third Party Referrers
STEP 1 of 2
Within the Vacancy Application section of a vacancy you have referred third parties to, identify the candidate who was referred to the vacancy via a third-party source. To identify these candidates, you will notice that the Source column will feature the email address of the third party source. Next, click on the envelope icon. Here you will find two options: "Send email to candidate" and "Send email to third-party source". -
STEP 2 of 2
Select the option to Send email to third-party source. Within the pop up, you will find the third party contact including the email address already selected. Select the email template you would ike to send out, or else type in your own. Attachments may also be added. Click Send Email when done.