Release Notes 01/04/2020

  • Updated


Payroll: Adjustments having a start and end date will be automatically linked to position history start and end date

When a position history included an adjustment with start and end dates that do not coincide with the position history start and end dates, this was adding multiple adjustments to payroll. We have updated this so that when creating a new position history, a copy of the old position history is taken but the start and end date of the adjustments in both the new position history and the old one, are automatically adjusted to reflect the position history start and end dates. 

Please note that if the Adjustment is to be given in full for the duration of the position history, there is technically no need for adding start and end dates.



Note: Please ensure that the existing start and end dates of your Position History Adjustments are correct.


Payroll: Hourly rate added to payslip calculation

The hourly rate per position history was added in the Tax Status & Rates tab of the payroll calculation, beneath the job schedule information.


Payroll: Student Apprenticeship - not given COLA

Employees who are on Student Apprenticeship are not given the March and September Government bonus. 


To calculate relevant bonus:

FT: divide by 1040 hrs, multiply by 135.10

FT Student: divide by 1040 hrs, multiply by 67.55

PT: divide by 520 hrs , multiply by 67.55

PT Student: divide by 520, multiply by 33.78


Note: The “On Student Apprenticeship” checkbox has now moved from the Details section to the Position History. If you have any employees on the Student Apprenticeship programme please make sure that the checkbox in the relevant position history is ticked accordingly.


Payroll - rewording of Government bonuses on payslip

We have reworded labels to be in line with official nomenclature, as follows:

Government Bonus = Government Statutory Bonus (June, Dec)

COLA = Government Weekly Allowance (March, Sept)


Note: These updates will happen automatically to all payslips of unlocked payrolls. If you would like to update this label also on your locked payrolls and the Adjustment report, please let us know and we will do so accordingly.


Payroll: Sickness Benefit Deduction updates

Sickness Benefit Deduction was updated as follows. It is:

  1. Not deducted when Unpaid leave is booked; deducted in half when Half Pay is booked and given in full otherwise (was currently the case)
  2. Not deducted when less than job schedule “daily” hours are booked following the 3rd day of sick (ex. If the daily hours of a full timer is 8hrs, and 4hrs of sick leave are booked) (new)
  3. Deducted when more than job schedule “daily” hours are booked following the 3rd day of sick (ex. If the daily hours of a full timer is 8hrs, and 10hrs of sick leave are booked, they get a deduction related to 8hrs [full day]) (new)
  4. Given pro rata based on job schedule “daily” hours (Ex. FT given full amount of 13.73; PT given half this amount 6.87)  (new)


Note: Any changes to locked or unlocked payrolls based on the above will not be done automatically. You would need to refresh the relevant payslip for changes to be affected.


Payroll: Leave Pay-offs not adding leave accumulated for current payslip

Employees who are on a casual/irregular job schedule or part timers who work additional hours, accumulate leave based on these hours worked. On Talexio this is automatically added to the employee’s leave balance as “Accumulated” once the payroll is locked. Read more here


The Leave Payoff function in the payslip calculation was not picking up the leave accumulated for that month’s payslip. It now does.


Note: If manual adjustments were added to the employees’ Leave balance to round out any discrepancies, please remove these manual adjustments so that leave balance is correct. This will be based on the Accumulated leave based on hours worked in January - March, minus any leave paid off.


Payroll: Government Weekly Allowance and Statutory Bonuses calculations

Calculations for Government Weekly Allowance and Statutory Bonuses have been updated as follows, following confirmation from DIER:


Weekly Allowance

March and September bonus

We are using weeks to identify how many hours the employee has worked, then translating these into hours.

(Hours worked * (Weekly hours/Days worked in a week)/Hours within the 6 month period * 121.16

  • In the case where the employee has worked the full 6 months, the above method is not used, but the full bonus is given instead.
  • Should there be any unpaid leave the unpaid hours are deducted from the hours worked
  • In the case of Half Paid leave, the bonus is still given in full.



Full timer - (168 * (40/5)/1040 * 121.16

Part timer - (280 * (20/5)/520 * 60.58

Full timer with with 8 hours unpaid leave - ((1040-8) * (40/5)/1040 * 121.16


Statutory Bonuses

June and December bonus

We are using days to identify how many hours the employee has worked, then translating these into hours. This includes Saturdays and Sundays.

(Hours worked * (Weekly hours/Days in a week)/Hours within the 6 month period * 135.10


  • In the case where the employee has worked the full 6 months, the above method is not used, but the full bonus is given instead.
  • Should there be any unpaid leave the unpaid hours are deducted from the hours worked
  • In the case of Half Paid leave, the bonus is still given in full.



Full timer - (168 * (40/7)/1040 * 135.10

Full timer on student apprenticeship - (168 * (40/7)/1040 * 67.55

Part timer - (280 * (20/7)/520 * 67.55

Full timer with with 8 hours unpaid leave - ((1040-8) * (40/7)/1040 * 135.10


Note: Any changes to locked or unlocked payrolls based on the above will not be done automatically. You would need to refresh the relevant payslip for changes to be affected.



Hiding Leave Type when Entitlement is zero

Leave entitlements can be given on an individual basis or on a global level to all employees within the company. This update allows you to give the entitlement to only one employee by setting their individual entitlement, and the rest of the employees would not see this leave type in their Leave Balance pods.


From this:


To this:


Employees who have the permission to request leave for others can see all leave types.

Leave Calendar and Public Holidays

When you have employees who have an active position history that is linked to more than one Country (Ex. Malta and Poland), the leave calendar now only shows the public holidays which are relevant to that employee. 


If employee has accept/request leave permission for more than one position history linked to different countries, we show all countries relevant.



Employee list - filters for Engagement and Termination date

In Employee list > Edit columns, two new filters have been added “Engagement Date” and “Terminated date”

  1. Start date - This is based on the start date of each position history. If an employee has two position histories in Jan and in Feb, and the date range is selected as Jan and then Feb separately, the employee will show in both search results, with the start date and end date that corresponds to the relevant position history within that month.
  2. End date = Same as above but based on end date of position history.
  3. Engaged = In cases where the employee has more than one position history we take the start date of the first one. This will show when the employee actually started their engagement with the company.
  4. Terminated = Same as above but based on the end date of the last position history in cases where there is more than on position history


By default, the latest position will always show. 


Here is an example of how this feature works:

Position A. 01/01/2019 - 15/02/2020

Position B. 16/02/2020 - present


Using date filters: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019 - I see Position A

Using date filters: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020 - I see position B

Using date filters: 01/02/2020 - 29/02/2020 - I see position B

Work email not required

When creating a new employee, work email is no longer required.

Bug fixes and small updates

  1. Permissions - showing “Self” when opening the dialog, instead of the employee names
  2. Government Bonus COLA fixes when changing job schedule form Full time to Part time and vice versa
  3. Job Schedule - warning when setting up a job schedule where the number of hours per week added is 40 but the “is full time” checkbox is not ticked
  4. Storing additional creation and modified dates on tables, for later analysis/trouble shooting
  5. Employee Position History - added label next to salary to make it clear whether this salary is yearly or per hour