- The menu item Employees has been renamed to People
- Update in the Employee Position History section
The employee position history section now includes tabs to split up the employment related information:
- Job description
- Remuneration package
- Other payroll information
Remuneration package and Other payroll information are only available to those who have Manage Payroll or View Salary permission.
3. Employees on Definite contracts
If an employee is on a definite contract, the salary that will be received for the contract duration can be added to the position history as opposed to the annual salary. The amount due will be calculated pro-rata during payroll for the duration of the contract.
4. Group invite employees to system
Employees can be invited to the system in bulk. Read more How do I invite employees to access their profile?
- Part Time not main employment (Tax at 15%)
In the case when an employee is employed on a part time basis and the employment is not their main one, they can apply for their income to be taxed at 15% on the first 10,000Eur basic amount. Any additional income can be taxed at a different rate.
Within the position history you can set the tax rate at which this additional income earned over the 10,000Eur, is taxed at.
- Stop leave feature
You may stop employees from booking leave on certain days or hours within a day by setting Stop Leave. Stop leave is set per Year and per Country.
Restrictions can be done by:
- Full day or hours within a day
- Department
- Employee
- Leave Type
- Viewing other employee’s Approved leave
The permission “View other employee leave” will grant other employees access to view leave of their team members which is in the statuses Approved or Pending Cancellation.
The toggle “Approved only” in the Leave Schedule page will only be available to employees who have Approve Leave permission.
- Leave Time slots
If you’d like employees to book specific time slots for leave, rather than define hours, you may set Leave Time Slots.
1. Managers within the organisation structure
Employees set as “is manager” within their position history will be ranked at the top within their Unit, in the organisation structure.
2. View Units permission
A new permission has been added to View Units. This will allow the employees to view the organisation structure but not edit it.
- Start date on checklists
A start date can be linked to a checklist which means a checklist can be created ahead of time. The start date will trigger the checklist, including the emails that are sent out to the assignees of checklist items. Previously, the checklist emails were triggered on the creation of the checklist itself.
- Viewing Insights as aggregate data
You can view insights by granting the “Insights” permission. When using the Filter within insights, and selecting Units, you may view the data for average Team Size in aggregate. This will aggregate the data pertaining to each unit, into one sum.