Employee Documents

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Each employee has their own Documents section. By default, employees always see their own documents. 


In order to view or manage other employees' documents, users must have the Manage Employee Documents permission enabled. This will allow you to view/manage all the documents or specific documents for an employee(s).
If you want to save your employees' payslips to their documents section (i.e. each employee will see their own payslip and no one else's), you will need the Manage Payroll permission. 
Users with the Manage Data Retention/GDPR Settings permission can manage retention periods of the different categories in the documents section.

Allowing Access to specific Document categories

Through permissions, you may set up users to have access to certain document categories. This is set up in the Permissions section. After adding the permission Manage Employee Documents for a user, and specifying whether the user will have access to manage the documents of all employees (global), of specific employees (unit or employee level), or of their own only, then you can specify whether they are to have access to all data categories or of specific ones only:


Employee Documents

You can access the employee's Documents from their profile. From the People section select relevant employee or search from search bar at the top of the page. Once in employee profile go to the Documents tab.

From here, users can choose to upload or generate documents. Clicking on Generate icon at the top right-hand side will display 3 different options: 

  • FS3
  • FS4
  • From Template

Employee Documents.jpg


Users can also click Upload DocumentDoing so will bring up the below dialog window: 

Save Document.jpg


From here, users can choose to upload any of the following types of documents: 

  • Contract details
  • Contracts
  • Any correspondence
  • Disciplinary records
  • Employment records
  • Health information
  • Any interests or hobbies
  • Leave records
  • Payroll information
  • Performance documents
  • Training related documents
  • Time and Attendance related records

Users can also choose to upload any of the above documents and hide them from being viewed by the employee. Talexio accepts document in the following formats: .bmp, .csv, .doc, .docx, .eml, .FS3s, .gif, .heic, .html, .ics, .jfif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mp4, .odp, .ods, .odt, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .svg, .tif, .txt, .webp, .xls, .xlsx, .zip.

Any generated/uploaded document will be added to the employee documents tab in the employee’s profile. The document can be directly downloaded from there. 



Users who are working on payroll may save employees' locked payslips to their documents section. This means that employees may view their past payslips at any point. 

Payroll Documents.jpg

Payroll Documents Payslip.jpg

Information on how to save payslips to each of your employee's documents section can be found here.

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