Publishing a vacancy

  • Updated


Information on how an existing vacancy is published is made available in the under-listed steps.

  1. Go to the Vacancies page
  2. Select the vacancy you would like to edit and click on the name of the vacancy


  3. When you get to the Dashboard of that vacancy, go to the Publish section within the same page. You should see a number of publishing options, including publishing on Facebook, your website and publishing on
  4. Click the green Publish button for the relevant publishing option.

    Please note that in order for the vacancy to be published, it will need to satisfy these criteria: the closing date must be in the future and vacancy status should not be closed.

Vacancy Performance Notification

Vacancy performance notification is being sent to users by email after 15 days of posting a vacancy. This is based on the number of applications a vacancy receives. 

  • When there are less than 4 applications, the performance notifications will advise the user that JIM will share the vacancy on social medial platforms. and channels to offer more exposure and when it is more than 4 , JIM guides them with the possibility to get more applications.