Through the introduction of the Performance Management Module, users can create and assign performance reviews for managers, colleagues, and themselves to undertake. This article explains what Competencies are and how to set them up.
- Competencies
- Performance competencies are the essential skills or traits employees need to perform their jobs effectively. Competency statements are used to assess and evaluate these skills. Within a review, these different competencies will be used to measure the performance of an employee.
The permission needed to create/edit/delete Competencies is Manage Performance Strategies and Criteria. This permission needs to be granted on Global for the access to be granted.
More information on the permissions used in the Performance Management module can be found here.
Creating Competencies
Competencies are created from the Competencies tab in the Performance Management module.
Competencies are grouped into Categories. To create a new Category and the Competencies within, you will need to follow these steps.
- From the Competencies tab, click on + Add Competency Category.
- From the box that appears, you can choose to create a custom category or choose a category and competency from the Talexio Competency Library.
The full list of competencies in the Talexio Competency Library can be provided on request. Please reach out to the Support Team for this at support@talexio.com.
- When you select Custom, you will first give the Category a title.
- Next, click on + Add New to add a Competency that should be within the Category.
- In the box that appears, you can complete the details for the Competency.
- Competency Title
- Description
- Rating Scale - The rating options available are either 5, 7 or 10 Likert Scale, Yes/No choice rating or no rating.
Default Units - When a default unit is added, each time the unit is selected for a review, this competency would automatically be included in the review.
If no rating is selected, employees will be allowed to submit a comment only for the competency. A no-rating competency will not affect the score generated in the review since it is a comment only,
- Click Save to add the competency to the category.
- Repeat steps 4-6 for all competencies needed in this category.
- Click Save to save the Category with the saved Competencies.
Categories and Competencies can be edited and deleted using the buttons on the right-hand side of the row.
More information on the Performance Management Module can be seen in our Webinar on the module.
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