How do I create an Automation Strategy?

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Through the introduction of the Performance Management Module, users can create and assign performance reviews for managers, colleagues, and themselves to undertake.  This article explains what an Automation Strategy is and how to use it in the Performance Management Module.

Automation Strategy
An Automation Strategy sets up pre-scheduled reviews that the system automatically generates and assigns to relevant employees based on the strategy's details.


The permission needed to create/edit/delete Automation Strategies is Manage Performance Strategies and Criteria. This permission needs to be granted on Global for the access to be granted.

Creating an Automation Strategy

Within the Performance Management Module, there is a tab for Automation strategies where the instructions are set up in the system for future generated Performance Reviews.

To create a new Automation Strategy, from this tab click on the button Add a Strategy:


In the box that appears, you will need to supply the following details:

  1. Settings
    1. Frequency - This is the frequency at which the strategy will generate new reviews. The options are once a year, every 6 months, once a month or at the end of each quarter.
    2. Start Date - This is the date the strategy takes effect.
    3. End Date - This is the date the strategy ends and will no longer generate reviews. If this is left empty, the strategy will continue to generate reviews indefinitely.
    4. Days till deadline - The number of days from review generation until the review is due to be submitted.
    5. Mark this strategy as active - This is a checkbox to mark the strategy as active/inactive. Inactive strategies do not generate reviews.
  2. Who will be reviewed?
    Here, you will need to select which employee(s) or department(s) will be assessed in this review.

    Filling out the details for employees or departments is required. Leaving both fields blank will mean that all employees and departments are selected.

  3. Who will be the reviewers?
    Here, you will need to select which employee(s) or department(s) will perform the assessment. You may leave these fields blank and select one or more fields from the checkbox options
    1. Set self as reviewer - Selecting this option will request the employee to submit a review for themself.
    2. Set manager as reviewer - Selecting this option will request the employee's manager to submit a review. The manager is determined as the employee who is set in the employee's Reports To field in their employment position.

    3. Set same unit colleagues as reviewers - Selecting this option will request the employees in the same unit as the employee being reviewed to submit a review. This is based on the unit added as the department in the employee's employment position.

  4. Competencies
    From the right-hand side of the dialog box, you can select what competencies should be included in the reviews generated from this automation strategy.

Once all the details are supplied, click Save Strategy.


Cloning, Editing or Deleting Strategies

At the far right of each strategy created, there are 3 buttons you can use for cloning (or duplicating), editing or deleting the automation strategy.


When you click on the clone button, a dialog box will appear with the same details as the original automation strategy completed so that you can make the needed changes. Click Save Strategy to save the cloned strategy with the amended details

If you click on the checkboxes next to automation strategies, you will be able to make them active/inactive or delete them in bulk.


Automation Strategy Cycles

When an Automation Strategy has been created, the strategy will proceed through cycles determined by the frequency of the strategy.

  • Previous cycle will show as N/A if this is the first time a strategy has been created. 
  • Next Cycle will show the date of the first/next time a review is due.
  • Final cycle will show as N/A if the end date was set as indefinite, otherwise will show the Final Cycle date determined by the end date set in the strategy. 

Review Email Notifications

During the review process, employees will receive email notifications at these following points:

  • When the review is created
  • 3 days before the review is to be submitted
  • On the day the review is to be submitted

If the review is submitted before these points, then no notification will be sent.

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