Qualifications & Competencies are used as benchmarks by employers to assess whether potential or current employees have the necessary knowledge required for a particular role.
- Qualification
- A Qualification is a skill, knowledge, experience, or certification that refers to formal education or training required to meet specific standards in a profession or field.
- Competency
- A Competency is the ability to do something effectively or efficiently, combining skills, knowledge, and behaviours needed to perform a task or role successfully. It reflects a person's capability to apply what they know in real-world situations.
To allow a user to add, edit, and delete competencies and qualifications, they will need to be given the Manage Courses permission on a global level to be able to access the Training section and also the Manage Competencies and Qualifications permission on a global level.
Information on the Training permissions can be found here.
Qualification & Competency Lists
On Talexio, you can set position requirements so employees can compare their Qualifications & Competencies against those expected for the position they occupy.
In order to do this, you will need to create a list/library of all the Qualifications & Competencies needed within the company. This process can be completed in bulk using a template or manually on the system directly.
In bulk upload templates, column headers must not be changed.
Dropdowns will be populated already. Values in the cells must match the dropdown values.
Creating the Qualification List
- From the Training section, click on the Qualifications tab and then click on + Add Qualification.
- In the box that is presented, add the Qualification name, and the Qualification Level and then click Create to add the qualification to the list.
- From the Training section, click on the Qualifications tab and then click on + Add Qualification.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and download the List of Qualifications template.
- In the template downloaded, add the Qualification name and the Qualification Level (using the dropdown list provided). Once the template is completed, save the file.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and from the List of Qualifications template download box, you will upload the saved file in Step 2 to upload the qualifications provided in the template.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and download the List of Qualifications template.
Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) categorises qualifications in Malta based on their level of difficulty, hours required and content.
Creating the Competency List
- From the Training section, click on the Competency Categories tab and then click on + Add Category. Competencies created will be grouped under these Categories.
- In the box that is presented, add the Category name and then click Create to add the category to the list.
- From the Training section, click on the Competencies tab and then click on + Add Competency.
- In the box that is presented, add the Competency name and then click Create to add the competency to the list.
- From the Training section, click on the Competency Categories tab and then click on + Add Category. Competencies created will be grouped under these Categories.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and download the List of Competencies template.
- In the template downloaded, add the Competency name and the Competency Category name.
If the Competency Category name has already been added to Talexio, you will need to write the name matching exactly what has already been created on the system.
If it is not on Talexio already, any new Competency Category names added to the template, will be added to the Competency Category list.
Once the template is completed, save the file.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and from the List of Competencies template download box, you will upload the saved file in Step 2 to upload the qualifications provided in the template.
- From the Training section, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3-dot menu and download the List of Competencies template.
Adding Employee Qualifications & Competencies
In Talexio, once the libraries of Qualifications & Competencies have been created, you can specify for each employee the Qualifications & Competencies they have.
This can be done in bulk or directly on their Training dashboard.
- From the employee's profile, click on the Training tab. There are 2 pods on the left-hand side; one for Qualifications the employee has and one for Competencies.
- For the Qualifications, click on the + icon in the pod and the following box will appear.
The Qualification dropdown is populated based on the created qualifications on your account.
- Click Create and the qualification will show on the pod and will update the competency gap if applicable.
- For the Competencies, click on the + icon in the pod and the following box will appear.
The Competency dropdown is populated based on the created competencies on your account.
- Click Create and the qualification will show on the pod and will update the competency gap if applicable.
- From the employee's profile, click on the Training tab. There are 2 pods on the left-hand side; one for Qualifications the employee has and one for Competencies.
- From the Training module, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3 dot menu and click on either the Employees' competencies or Employees' qualifications template.
- In the templates, complete the details as needed for each employee:
Once completed, save the files.
- From the same location where the template was downloaded, click to upload.
- Once uploaded, the employee training dashboard will be updated according to the details given in the template.
- From the Training module, click on the Courses tab, click on the 3 dot menu and click on either the Employees' competencies or Employees' qualifications template.
Setting Position Qualifications & Competencies Requirements
Next, you can add a Qualification & Competency requirement to a position by following the below steps. This process needs to be completed on the system directly.
STEP 1 of 2
Go to the Settings section, click on the Positions tab and click on +Add New Position or else edit an existing one by clicking on the pencil icon next to the relevant position name: -
STEP 2 of 2
Add the Qualification & Competency requirements on the right-hand side of the box and then click Save Changes:
Employees assigned to this position will then be able to go to their training dashboard and see whether they have any Qualification & Competency gaps. Qualification & Competency gaps are instances where their current Qualifications & Competencies do not match those in the position. This may mean the employee needs to be assigned more training to close the gap. For example; in the image below, the employee requires 3 years of experience for the highlighted competency to be met.
Qualifications & Competencies Reports
If you would like to know in a report the Qualifications & Competencies assigned to employees and any Competency Gaps within a report, you can access the Qualifications & Competencies report from the Training section by clicking on Reports.
This report can be grouped by Employees or by Job Titles. It can also be exported as either a PDF or CSV file.
More information on this and other Training Reports can be found here.
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