Following the below steps will allow you to make use of reporting templates for payroll. Using this feature will allow you to download custom reports instantly each time you visit Talexio.
This feature is available for users making use of our Payroll module. In order to view the reporting template one must also have the Manage payroll permission assigned to their list of permissions.
Saving templates and generating reports
Go to the Payroll section and click on Reports. Click on +Generate Payroll Report
Select the fields you would like to have in your report and click on Save report template.
On the next dialog, name your report for easy access and click on Save.
Once complete, the report template will be available to download in each individual payroll.
Reporting templates can be utilised for any kind or report and is accessible from all report sections.
Permissions take priority before each report is generated.
Other improvements
Update UI when generating any report.
Search functionality for columns.
The tickbox must be checked after searching for a column name in order to be included in the report.