Performance Management Reports

Talexio Tech-Support
Talexio Tech-Support
  • Updated


Our Performance module includes a Reports option. Two types of reports can be generated based on what permissions Talexio users have assigned to their profiles.


Reporting facilities are available to users that have the Manage Performance Review permission assigned to their profile.
More information on permissions for the Performance Management module can be found here.

How do I generate a report?

From the Performance Management module click on the Reviews tab and at the top right-hand side, the Reports feature will be visible.

There are 2 report options to choose from:

  1. Detailed competencies report
    This report provides a comprehensive breakdown of the review scores submitted for each competency scored.
  2. Final scores report
    This report summarises the final scores received from each reviewer category and the review as a whole.

The Detailed competencies report can only be downloaded in CSV format. The Final scores report can be downloaded both in CSV and PDF.

  1. When you click on the Reports button, you will choose which of the 2 reports you would like to generate.

  2. From the dialog box that appears, you can select the applicable filters needed for your report. Both reports share the same filters.

  3. Once you have applied your filters click on Generate Report.