You might encounter a situation where an employee(s) shift and clocking are not linked. This means that they will show separately for the approval process and will need to be linked together.
You need to ensure that you have the "Approve Time Clocking" permission on the appropriate level to complete the actions mentioned in this article.
Linking a Clocking to a Shift
When the clocking is not linked to a shift they will show as separate rows in the Review & Approve screen.
To link them together you will need to click on Review on the clocking, then select Link to an existing shift and choose which shift it should be linked to.
Removing a Linked Clocking from a Shift
Once a clocking has been linked to a shift, it cannot be removed but would have to be linked to another shift. From the Review & Approve page, click on the 3 dot burger menu and select the Link to existing shift option.
The dialog that appears will show you the linked clockings. You can click on the link icon to assign it to another shift.