Viewing Changes Made Using Historical Activity

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


When you want to see who made a change on the system, including the details of the change, you will need to use the Historical Activity Tab either in the Requests page or in an employees profile.  


The permission View Historical Activity needs to be set on global in order for users to gain access to the Historical Activity tab within the Requests section.
Alternatively, if this permission is set to a specific unit/employee, then the user will be able to see the history of that employee/unit alone by going to the employee's profile and clicking on the activity tab. Please note that View/Manage All Employee Data (or any other employee data permission) is also needed to gain access to the employee's profile.


Using the Historical Activity

The Historical Activity can be accessed from 2 locations as explained below. When viewing it from an employee profile, the the information being presented will show changes related to the employee in whose profile you are in. From Requests you can filter based on employee.

  • When accessing the Historical Activity through the Requests section, you will be presented with the full list of changes taken on the system. This list can be filtered to what you need to see using the filters provided.

    Historical Activity Filters.jpg

    The filters are defined as:

    • Requester - The requester is the employee who submit the change request. An example of this being the employee who requested leave.
    • Moderator - The moderator is the person who approved the change request. An example of this being the employee who approved a leave request.
    • Affected - The affected employee is the subject of the change request. An example of this is a change in an employees position. The affected employee did not request this or approve it but they were the subject of the change.
    • Types - The types are the different change requests that can be actioned on the system. A list of these types of changes can be found here.

    To see the Date and Time the change was requested or was approved, you can hover over the time reference in the change text.

    Historical Activity Time.jpg


    To find out more details about the change, click on it to expand the view, which will include all the details about that specific change.

    Historical Activity Details.jpg


    All the information in the change requests can be downloaded as a report. By applying a date filter and any other filters you wish to apply, then clicking on "Export", the system will generate your report.

    Historical Activity Report.jpg

    Reports can only be exported in periods of 6 months.

  • The same information can be located on an Employee profile under the Activity tab. In this location, the information being presented will show changes related to the Employee in whose profile you are in. As a result also the Filters are limited to date ranges and change types.

    Historical Activity Employee.jpg

What do the Change Types mean?

Each activity on the system is recorded against a specific Change Type. This gives a general idea of the activity undertaken by the employees specified.

For more details on these Change Types and what was actioned on the system, please search in this article the specific Change Type you would like to know more information about.

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