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Release Notes 20/10/2022

Daniel Galea St John
Daniel Galea St John
  • Updated



21st October 2022

Heres what’s new with Sprint 14



⚡ Highlights from this release

  • Fresh updates to PDF payslips generated from Talexio. 
  • Print customised cheques to pay your employees through Talexio.
  • Leave types are now also visible when browsing through employee work schedules. 


📌 Your Feedback

  • T&A shift overtime rules now include helpful instructions.
  • We have added the Employee code in the heading of the Payslip edit view.
  • Employee profile pictures in the leave calendar are now clickable to the employee profile.


    📈 General System Performance

  • We are aware of recent system slow-downs for some users. We are prioritising this aspect over the coming weeks to ensure fast response times for all company sizes.



So what's new on Talexio?

💶 Payroll

  • Fresh updates to PDF payslips generated from Talexio. You will notice a significant improvement on how payslip information is presented.


  • It is now possible to print customised cheques to pay your employees through Talexio. Click here for more information

  • The basic hours import template through bulk upload now also includes fields for SSC, maternity fund and tax. This function is now also improved to handle larger files. 


  • Payroll reports by cost centre and/or department now include their respective information header on each page when split on several pages. 



⏲️ Time and Attendance 

  • We have updated the fields on the “Add shift” dialog. This makes it easier for T&A users to search and assign specific information to any shift. 


  • Leave types are now also visible when browsing through employee work schedules. 


  • Improved visual export for scheduler when overnight shifts are present. 

🧑🏼‍🦰Applicant Tracking System (Recruitment)

  • Whether candidates are registering on your career site or applying for a specific vacancy, you can now include a list of customisable shortlisting questions that will allow further filtering on applicants coming through your jobs page.


📖 Helpful Articles

Each month we take a look back at some of the common queries to highlight some of our articles that you might find useful:


📺 Webinars

We will soon be announcing our next webinar subject and date, so keep an eye out! We will communicate this via email.

In case you want to check out any of the webinars we've hosted, here is a link to our webinar recordings


📞Change in Number!

Please note that we have changed our support line number. For any queries, you may now contact us on +35622588025 or +35622588003.



In case you missed them, here are our previous release notes.


👋Until next time!

To help us improve these and other features, please let us know what you think using the feedback section. You can also send your suggestions via support chat or email to We encourage you to also leave us comments in the ‘Your Feedback’ button from the main menu which shows up every 90 days. We really appreciate the time you take to help Talexio be a better HR software. We also encourage you to check out the Support Help Centre!

