How can I view and manage my vacancy applications?

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


To view your vacancy applications, go to the Vacancies page where you will find the following functions: 

Select the relevant vacancy for which you would like to see the candidates' applications and you will be redirected to the "Applications" Tab by default: 



You can use the buttons to see the Open or Closed applications only:



The filters tool will allow you to see the applications according to Locations or Applicant Status: 



By clicking on the applicant name you will be redirected to the Candidate's application list on their profile that has applied to that open vacancy in the jobsinmalta portal:



You can send an email to the candidate from the Vacancy section by clicking on the envelop icon at the end of the row:



When clicking on the three dots at the end of the applicant name, you will find a set of helpful functions to manage the application lifecycle:

Candidate options.jpg

  • View resume: This option will display the candidate's resume on the screen. 
  • Send profile to contacts: An email dialog will display to proceed with sending the email. The email will include the candidate's name, the vacancy application name in "Subject" and the resume attached by default. You may update the Message details and click on "Send Email".
  • Change application status: This option will allow you to change the status of the application accordingly.

If you want to let the applicants know the status of their application by sending an email directly from Talexio. Just click on "change status and continue" to customize your email. 

  • Status history to see all the changes that have occurred related to the application status.  



Related articles: 

Where to find my existing vacancies?

How do I change the application method over a published vacancy?

Candidate applications list

How to change the applicant status?

How to change the applicant status?

Where to see a “Status History” of an applicant over a vacancy?

Where to find candidates' documents?

How do I send candidates' profiles to my colleagues?

