How do I change the vacancy status?

Adeyemi Odeyemi
Adeyemi Odeyemi
  • Updated


The following article provides an explanation of what statuses mean as well as the steps required to change a vacancy.

Vacancy Status Explained

Each vacancy is assigned a status that reflects its current state. There are various status types, including 'Open' and 'Closed,' which indicate whether the position is still available, has been filled, or is in another phase of its lifecycle.

An ATS Plus user has the facility of adding, deleting and editing vacancy statuses. Click here to learn how!

Open Vacancy🟢: This status indicates that the position is still available and accepting applications.

Closed Vacancy 🔴: This status applies to positions that have either been filled or are no longer available, possibly due to the company deciding not to proceed with hiring. While closed vacancies are not deleted from the system, they are marked as "Closed" and unpublished from platforms like JobsinMalta or any respective job boards.

Should you need to delete a vacancy you will need to simply set the Vacancy Status to "Closed".


Changing a Vacancy Status

If you need to change your vacancy status:

  • Go to the Vacancy section
  • Click on the three dots at the end of the relevant vacancy and select "Change vacancy status"
  • A dialogue will pop up and you might select the Open or Closed new status and click on "Change Status":



If you would like to change the status of several vacancies at the same time, you can use the bulk function. To do so: 

  • Go to the Vacancy section
  • Select the relevant vacancies by clicking on the box at the left of each vacancy.
  • The "bulk action" button will appear on the top
  • Click on it to select "Change vacancy status" from the scroll-down options
  • Select the status accordingly and click on "change status"

In addition, please note that changing the status of the vacancy to closed will automatically unpublish it from JIM or the respective platform.
