If you have the Payroll Module enabled, within each employee profile, you can add their Payroll Information. This contains the manner in which an employee is paid, Tax and SSC Statuses and Financial Details. This article provides more information about these details.
The permissions for employee Payroll Details can be given both as View and/or Manage. These permissions are View/Manage Employee Payroll Details and View/Manage All Employee Data.
Payroll Details
There are specific details to be understood when it comes to each employee's Payroll details. The below tabs will expand on these details.
- This detail is the method in which the employee will be paid:
- Direct Credit - This is where the employee will be included and paid using the Talexio generated Bank File from Payroll.
- Manual Payment - This is where the employee will paid by any other means that is not the Talexio generated Bank File. This may be cash, manual payment, cheque or some other means.
- Manual Payment (Pay by Cheque) - In Talexio there is a functionality to have your cheque template added to the system so that cheques can be printed in bulk directly onto your templates. More information on this method can be found here.
- Here is where the employee Marital Status is set.
If an employee gets married and there is a change to their Marital Status and the employee is set as not the responsible spouse, the employee will receive two payslips within the month that the marriage took place. The first will include the salary proportionately up until the day before the marriage. The second will include the salary proportionately from the date of marriage until the end of that payroll period. At the end of the year, this employee will receive two FS3 forms reflecting the same information.
When you tick not the responsible spouse, you will need to input the responsible spouse's ID card number and the date of marriage.
Why are two payslips and two FS3s generated?
If an employee is marked as not the responsible spouse, that employee's tax resets and starts again from 0 from the date of marriage until the end of the year For more info on tax, click here.If the employee already exists in the payroll for the month of marriage, remove the employee and re-add them to that month’s payroll.
- The SSC Benefit Status is set according to the employee and will be specified as either Single or Married. For any questions relating to an employees Benefit Status, please refer to the relevant authorities here.
- The Tax Status is set according to the employee as specified in the FS4 according to the applicable status for the employee. If the Tax status has been changed, you may generate an FS4 with the updated information and send it to the CFR for processing. To generate the new FS4, go to the employee's profile, click on Documents, click on Generate and FS4.
- The employee Tax Number is stated here and will be used for the end of year processes and documentation.
If the Maltese ID Card Number has been completed in the Personal Details, the Tax Number field should remain empty.
- Financial Details are the bank details to which the employee will be paid to and are only required when Payment Type has been set as Direct Credit. These details will be included in the Bank File generated from Talexio.
If an employee wants their salary to be paid to multiple accounts, this can be setup by adding multiple accounts and setting the Monthly Amounts and Primary account as shown below.
If an employee has already been added to Payroll and their financial details have been updated, the unlocked payslip of the employee will need to be refreshed to included the new Financial Details.
The previous FS3 data of your employees can be uploaded per employee from their Employee Details page. In the case when an employee has moved to your company from another, from the Details page, scroll down to the payroll section and click the button "Add FS3 Data" under the header 'Income from other employers (FS3s)'. When the FS3 data of the employee is uploaded, this will be taken into consideration with employees next payslip in relation to tax already paid, SSC contributions etc. and ultimately will be included in the employees FS7 at the end of the year. It will also be reflected in the employees FS3 that can be generated during the year. To generate an FS3 for an employee, please look at the article here.
- The previous FS3 data of your employees can be uploaded per employee from their Employee Details page. In the case when you need to provide this data because the whole company has moved to Talexio, from the Details page, scroll down to the payroll section and click the button "Add FSS Data" under the header 'Income from this company prior to use of Talexio'. When the FS3 data of the employee is uploaded, this will be taken into consideration with employees next payslip in relation to tax already paid, SSC contributions etc. and ultimately will be included in the employees FS7 at the end of the year. It will also be reflected in the employees FS3 that can be generated during the year. To generate an FS3 for an employee, please look at the article here.
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