Onboarding Assistant: Job Titles Data Upload File

  • Updated


The unique employee job titles will need to be included in the Settings as part of your onboarding process. These are later linked to the employee at employee and position history creation stage. In the Onboarding flow, this is done after setting up your company's organisation structure.

Manual Updates

You can create the job titles manually, directly from the Settings section on Talexio.


Bulk Import Template

To bulk upload the job titles as part of your onboarding process, click on the 'download template' button. An excel spreadsheet will be downloaded. This will need to be filled out based on your company's unique position titles. To upload the template, simply save the file, go back to the Onboarding Assistant and select 'Upload'. 

The fields in the template are:

  • Name: this is the name of the job title, for example: cleaner, accounts manager, clerk, HR assistant, etc. This field is mandatory. 
  • Description: this field is not mandatory. This is where you would describe the position. 

Example of template filled in:

Once these are set up, you may also link these Job titles to the relevant employees through bulk import or within the employee Position History.

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