How are non-residents taxed?

  • Updated


If an employee is classified as “Non-resident”, the tax rates used for the first 183 days from the Non-Resident Arrival date are these: 


The official source for these rates can be found by clicking here.


To save an employee under the non-resident rates, you will need the Create Employee and Manage All Employee Data permissions. For permanent non-residents, you will need the Manage Employee Position History Permission.

Temporary Non-Resident

To set up a Non-Resident:

  1. Go to the relevant employee’s profile (or click add new employee if the employee is not yet on Talexio);
  2. Click on the Details tab;


  3. Add a date to the Non-Resident Arrival Date field;


  4. Further down, underneath Payroll, select the Tax Status which will be relevant to the employee after the 183 days (6 months) have elapsed.

Talexio will automatically use the Non-Residents tax rates for the first 183 days from the date added to the Non-Resident Arrival Date field. Once the 183 days have elapsed, Talexio will default to the Tax Status chosen.

If the 183 days elapsed in the middle of a month, for the whole duration of that month, the employee will be taxed at the normal Tax Status rather than the Non-resident Tax Rate.

Permanent Non-Resident

If the Non-Resident Tax rate should apply permanently, then the relevant Tax Rate Type should be chosen in the Position History section. 

First of all, follow steps 1-3 above. Then, go to the employee's position, edit the latest position (or create a new one if the employee does not yet have a position set up), and go to the final tab (other payroll information). 

From this tab, click on the Tax Rate Type dropdown menu and select Permanent Non Resident.  


Click save. If you are editing a position then you will be asked to confirm whether you are correcting a mistake or creating a new position. If you are simply amending the profile, click on correcting a mistake. Please note that if this change occurs after an employee has been added to the current payroll, then his/her payslip will require a refresh. For more information on refreshing payslips, click here
