If you re using Talexio Time & Attendance software, and data migration has already been finalised, employees are automatically synced onto your devices. There is no need for further upload of employee data onto the device. If you are only using the Talexio device and not the software, follow these instructions to upload your employees onto the device.
Once you have your users on your device, you can proceed to registering their Face/Finger/Card.
In order to enroll users, you need access to a user with Admin privileges on the device. These are typically sent to you by Email or SMS from the Talexio team. You should receive these details:
- User PIN
- User Password
Please follow these step to login as admin on the device:
- Press the M/OK button.
- Insert your admin user id.
- If you are not asked for a PIN, hit the KEYBOARD icon top right corner of the screen. Then you will be asked for a PIN.
- If you are prompted for a password, insert the password which was provided to you.
- If you are not asked for a password , you will need to press the ‘KEY’ icon on the screen. Then you will be asked for a password.
- You should now see the admin screen.
Below: Welcome screen
Now you can find the employee and add their biometric data.
- Tap User Mgt.
- Tap ‘All users’
- Tap on the user you want to edit - you can tap on the screen which user to be edited
- Tap on ‘Edit’
- Tap on the biometric you want to insert
- Fingerprint
- Follow the on screen instructions
- Press back several times to ESC back to the main screen.
Below: Main menu admin screen
Above: Tap All users
Below: Find the user you want to edit.
Below: Tap Edit
Above: Click Fingerprint and follow the instructions
Once you have your users on your device, you can proceed to registering their Face/Finger/Card.
In order to enroll users, you need access to a user with Admin privileges on the device. These are typically sent to you by Email or SMS from the Talexio team. You should receive these details:
- User PIN
- User Password
Follow these step to login as admin on the device:
- Press the M/OK button
- If you are prompted for a PIN, insert your admin user id.
- If you are not asked for a PIN, hit the KEYBOARD icon top right corner of the screen. Then you will be asked for a PIN.
- If you are prompted for a password, insert the password which was provided to you.
- If you are not asked for a password , you will need to press the ‘KEY’ icon on the screen. Then you will be asked for a password.
- You should now see the admin screen.
Below: SilkBio welcome screen
Above: Main menu admin screen
Now you can find the employee and add their biometric data.
- Tap User Mgt.
- Tap ‘All users’
- Tap on the user you want to edit - you can tap on the screen which user to be edited
- Tap on ‘Edit’
- Tap on the biometric you want to insert
- Face recognition
- Fingerprint
- Follow the on screen instructions
- Press back several times to ESC back to the main screen.
Below: Tap All Users
Above: Tap user
Below: Tap Edit
Above: Click Fingerprint and follow the instructions.
Below: Tap Face and follow instructions
G3 Pro
Once you have your users on your device, you can proceed to registering their Face/Finger/Palm/Card.
In order to enroll users, you need access to a user with Admin privileges on the device. These are typically sent to you by Email or SMS from the Talexio team. You should receive these details:
- User PIN
- User Password
Follow these step to login as admin on the device:
- Tap the 6 Squares icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- If you are prompted for a PIN, insert your admin user id.
- If you are not asked for a PIN, hit the KEYBOARD icon top right corner of the screen. Then you will be asked for a PIN.
- If you are prompted for a password, insert the password which was provided to you.
- If you are not asked for a password , you will need to press the ‘KEY’ icon on the screen. Then you will be asked for a password.
- You should now see the admin screen.
Above: Login screen - tap the 6 squares button in the top right corner and insert the user pin.
Above: Click the keyboard icon to insert password.
Above: The main admin screen.
Now you can find the employee and add their biometric data.
- Tap User Mgt.
- Tap ‘All users’
- Tap on the user you want to edit - you can scroll using the arrow button in the top right corner.
- Tap on ‘Edit’
- Tap on the biometric you want to insert
- Face
- Palm
- Fingerprint
- Follow the on screen instructions
- Press back several times to exit back to the main screen.
Above: After clicking User Mgt. Click all users.
Above: Find the user you want to edit.
Above: Click edit.
Above: Click Palm, Fingerprint or Face.
Above: Follow instructions to insert fingerprint - select a finger.
Above: Put your finger print 3 times.
Above: Follow the Palm instructions.
Above: Follow the Face instructions.
Speedface V5
Once you have your users on your device, you can proceed to registering their Face/Finger/Card.
In order to enroll users, you need access to a user with Admin privileges on the device. These are typically sent to you by Email or SMS from the Talexio team. You should receive these details:
- User PIN
- User Password
Follow these step to login as admin on the device:
- Tap the 3 Horizontal lines on the bottom center right of the screen
- If you are prompted for a PIN, insert your admin user id.
- If you are not asked for a PIN, hit the KEYBOARD icon top right corner of the screen. Then you will be asked for a PIN.
- If you are prompted for a password, insert the password which was provided to you.
- If you are not asked for a password , you will need to press the ‘KEY’ icon on the screen. Then you will be asked for a password.
- You should now see the admin screen.
Above: Welcome screen / Login screen - tap the 3 Horizontal lines to access admin screen and insert the user pin
Below: Main menu admin screen
Now you can find the employee and add their biometric data.
- Tap User Mgt.
- Tap ‘All users’
- Tap on the user you want to edit - you can tap on the screen which user to be edited
- Tap on ‘Edit’
- Tap on the biometric you want to insert
- Face
- Palm
- Fingerprint
- Follow the on screen instructions
- Press back several times to exit back to the main screen.
Below: Tap All users
Above: Find the user you want to edit.
Below: Tap Edit
Below: Click Fingerprint or Face and follow the instructions
ProBio Device
Once you have your users on your device, you can proceed to registering their Face/Finger/Card.
In order to enroll users, you need access to a user with Admin privileges on the device. These are typically sent to you by Email or SMS from the Talexio team. You should receive these details:
- User PIN
- User Password
Follow these step to login as admin on the device:
- Tap the 6 Squares icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- If you are prompted for a PIN, insert your admin user id.
- If you are not asked for a PIN, hit the KEYBOARD icon top right corner of the screen. Then you will be asked for a PIN.
- If you are prompted for a password, insert the password which was provided to you.
- If you are not asked for a password , you will need to press the ‘KEY’ icon on the screen. Then you will be asked for a password.
- You should now see the admin screen.
Above: Login screen - tap the 6 squares button and insert the user pin.
Above: The main admin screen.
Now you can find the employee and add their biometric data.
- Tap User Mgt.
- Tap ‘All users’
- Tap on the user you want to edit - you can scroll using the arrow button in the top right corner.
- Tap on ‘Edit’
- Tap on the biometric you want to insert
- Face
- Palm
- Fingerprint
- Card
- Follow the on screen instructions.
- Press back several times to exit back to the main screen.
Above: After clicking User Mgt. Click all users.
Above: Find the user you want to edit.
Above: Click edit.
Above: Click Fingerprint and follow the instructions
Below: Tap Face and follow instructions
Above: Tap password to set it up
Below: Tap badge number to set up Card authentication