Public holidays receive special treatment because they are not like any other normal day. Depending on their job schedule, each employee might get different treatment when public holidays are concerned.
On Talexio, public holidays are further distinguished by having their hours and rates directly accessible from the Overtime and Extra Basic Hours section of the payslip.
The below article details the different scenarios used to determine public holiday hours. If you do not have the Time and attendance module, then you will need the below permissions:
- View/Manage All Employee Data;
- Manage Employment Position History;
- Manage Job Schedule Types (you need this to create/edit job schedules);
- Manage Payroll.
If you have the Time and attendance module, then you will need the below permission in addition to the above:
View/Manage T&A Working Schedules.
Deriving the hours
There are several different scenarios which Talexio supports when deriving the hours to be paid for a public holiday.
If you do not have the Time and Attendance module, then your employees' public holiday hours will be derived from one of the below two options:
Fixed Schedule
Employee who are on a fixed schedule (and do not have time and attendance enabled), the flow remains mostly unchanged where the employee is paid the hours of a full day of work, depending on the amount of weekly hours they work (i.e. their Job Schedule settings).
So, taking the below example: an employee is on a Full time 40 hour/week schedule. The amount of hours worked per day are 40 hours divided 5 days = 8 hours. Therefore, for each public holiday, the employee will be paid an entitlement of 8 hours (for public holidays falling on a Monday to Friday - as per the working days):
Irregular/Casual Schedule
For irregular employees, there are no fixed weekly working hours, so an average of the past 13 week (or quarter) is used to determine one whole day of work in hours. Irregular employees are paid for their public holidays on a quarterly basis. For example, they will be paid for any public holidays falling in January, February, and March in the last payroll for March (in the case of non-monthly payrolls, and in the March payroll in the case of monthly payrolls). For more information on this calculation, click here.
When the company makes use of Talexio's T&A module, the method with which the hours are calculated is more granular. This is done by looking at the employee's shifts for the day (where the employee has worked them).
This is especially useful when they do not work the same hours each day, as can be seen in the following example.
An employee works the below schedule:
Total of 22hrs per week.
The average daily hours of the employee would be: 22hrs / 5 days = 4.4hrs
However, if a public holiday happens to fall on any of the days other than Tuesday they would get paid extra (since the employee works 4 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). Conversely, if a public holiday happens to fall on Tuesday, they would be paid less (4.4 hours is less than 6 hours).
To get around this, Talexio projects future shifts* (without needing to create them yourself) and can estimate how many hours the employee would have worked if it was a normal working day.
* If a shift already exists, Talexio would look at those hours instead, in case the user overrides the hours - see the below screenshot. Here, 4 hours would given as public holiday entitlement on the 7th of June: