After assigning employees to a job schedule and setting their salary, users need to decide what employees will earn when working on public holidays, weekends, and/or overtime.
To set up an employee's position to automatically add leave entitlement when public holidays are worked, you will need the Manage Employment Position History permission and the View/Manage All Employee Data permission. It is also worth noting that you will need the Payroll module to make use of this function. You will need the Manage Payroll permission (set on global) to make use of this.Adding Leave
To set this up, go to the Overtime & Extra basic hours tab in the employment position section of an employee. Click here for more information on this.
Here, users can set the rate at which employees will be paid during weekends, public holidays, and/or overtime. An additional feature is that users can also choose whether such employees are granted additional leave entitlement for time worked during public holidays or weekends.
To do so, click on the check boxes underneath each base rate to grant employee leave entitlement for days worked on public holidays and/or weekends.
Following this, when employees work on public holidays and/or weekends, such leave will be added to the employee's leave entitlement. Please note that the payroll must be locked in order for the hours to be added to the employee's balance.
To view this, go to the employee's profile and click on leave.
This setting can be set up once upon creation of an employee, and can also be amended at any point by a user with admin rights.
Applies only on shift
If you select the Applies only on shift tick box, then leave entitlement will only be added to the employee's leave balance if the public holiday hours are worked during a public holiday when the employee has a published shift.