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Release notes 14/09/2022

Daniel Galea St John
Daniel Galea St John
  • Updated



14th September 2022

Here's what’s new with Sprint 12



Highlights from this release ⚡

  • Categorised Main menu!
  • New filtering options for more refined searches in Time and Attendance.
  • We've improved the performance of the payslip generation functionality.



So what's new on Talexio?

HR 💻

  • We have updated the main menu!  Menu items are now grouped into sections, this is now more distinctive and easier to browse through.


  • When it comes to “Generated Documents from Template”, we have now included the relevant  currency symbol on the {Position_salary} placeholder field. Click here to find out more about how you can create and automate your own company documents on Talexio.


Payroll 💶

  • For those who make use of the ‘’Accrued only'’ leave function, payslips will now show the employee’s consumed leave and remaining balance as per the payslip month. Click here for more information.

  • We have improved the performance of the “Generate payslip” functionality.

Time and Attendance ⏲️

  • New filtering options for more refined searches! In our time tracking module, Talexio users now have the option to filter out employees based on their payroll frequency. A new switch is also available which considers the clocking location as well as the shift location.


  • We have improved the way clockings from a punch clock device are loaded  into Talexio. Now, any duplicate “check-in” recorded within a 30-minute time frame due to user errors will be automatically ignored. With this change Talexio T&A users should see a cleaner Review and Approve section with much less broken clockings.

Leave ✈️

  • Improved email notifications when leave is cancelled in bulk. Users will now receive one email that includes all the requested days and rather than  one email per day requested.


  • In the Clocking Device Manager software, you can now filter the employee list in bulk by using a comma separated list of employee codes in the search field. This is useful for various bulk actions.


Helpful Articles 📖

In case you are still struggling with permissions, we've put together detailed instructions on each and every permission on Talexio. Check them out and let us know if there's anything that is still unclear.


Webinars 📺

In case you want to check out any of the webinars we've hosted, here is a link to our webinar recordings

We will be hosting more webinars in the future, so keep an eye out for the next one! We will communicate the sessions and dates via email.



Your Feedback Matters 💪🏽

To help us improve these and other features, please let us know what you think using the feedback section. You can also send your suggestions via support chat or email to We encourage you to also leave us comments in the ‘Your Feedback’ button from the main menu which shows up every 90 days. We really appreciate the time you take to help Talexio be a better HR software. 


In case you missed them, here are our previous release notes.


Until next time! 👋

Since the Support Help Centre is your first step in receiving support on Talexio, we have been working on some significant improvements to it. New articles, gifs, calculations and so much more means that most of the questions you have can be answered in one of our articles. For the specific questions that you may have, you can always reach us on chat or email us on

