Terminating an Employee

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


If an employee resigns (or leaves the company), you will need to terminate their Talexio profile. But how is this done?



You need to ensure that you have the Terminate Employee permission.

Once you terminate an employee on Talexio, the employee's Talexio login access is automatically revoked. If you want information on how to invite users to Talexio, click here.

Terminated employees have their Talexio access revoked on the next day of their last working day. If the last working day was in past, the access is revoked immediately.

Terminating an Employee

There are 2 ways you can terminate an employee: 

    1. Go to the employee's dashboard and click on the the burger menu (the three dot menu) and click Terminate employment.
      Terminating an Employee.jpg

    2. Input the termination date.
    3. Assign an offboarding checklists, if required.
    4. Assign a termination type and reason, if required.
    5. If the employee has any leave booked after the termination date, this will be shown in a list. Any leave that is booked after the termination date, will be automatically cancelled. 
    6. Talexio will calculate the notice period for you. 
    7. Select Terminate.

    Termination Dialog.jpg

    1. Go to the employee's dashboard and select the Employment tab. 
    2. Click edit (the pencil icon) of the employee's latest position (in the case of an employee having had multiple positions during his time at the company). 
      Terminating an Employee 2.jpg

    3. Select Position ended and add the end date (the employee's last day of employment). Then click save.
      Terminating an Employee 3.jpg

    4. In the dialog that opens, choose Terminate employee.
      Terminating an Employee 4.jpg

    5. Assign an offboarding checklists, if required.
    6. Assign a termination type and reason, if required.
    7. If the employee has any leave booked after the termination date, this will be shown in a list. Any leave that is booked after the termination date, will be automatically cancelled.
    8. Talexio will calculate the notice period for you.
    9. Select Terminate.

    Termination Dialog.jpg

Terminated Employees in Payroll

When an employee has been successfully terminated Talexio will work out everything automatically, so there is no need for you to work out any pro rata workings manually. When you have created your payroll and you need to add Terminated employees, you can identify these easily from the Add Employees dialog as the termination and termination dates are shown.

Adding Terminated Employees Payroll.jpg

Terminated employees can be added into the Payroll up to 6 months after termination so that any outstanding funds to be given to the employee can be included in payslips after termination.

When terminated employees are added to payroll:

  • The payslip dates will reflect the employee's end date;
  • The NI contributions will also reflect the end date;
  • The government bonuses will be paid pro rata up until the end date. You can click on the the tool tip next to the Government Bonus and Government Weekly Allowance to understand how these were calculated.
  • The Vacation Leave of the employee is calculated pro rata up until the termination date and added as a leave pay off. Following this, the employee's remaining vacation leave balance will show as 0 hours.
    You may add payoffs for any other type of leave. This can be done by clicking on the +Add Leave Payoff button and selecting the leave type. Whatever leave type you choose, the hours will be calculated a
    utomatically as the remaining hours that the employee has left pro rata. To add other leave types, the setting 'show balance in payslip' must be switched on in the Leave Types tab in the Leave section. 

Employees who do not work full notice period

You might encounter where an employee does not work the full notice period, or fails to turn up after giving notice. In this case, the employee is obliged to pay their employer a sum equal to half the wages that would be payable during the unexpired period of notice. 

In this case, we recommend that such payment by the employee is settled outside of Payroll. Should you wish to settle this through payroll (please note that we do not recommend this approach), you may add a negative adjustment in the payslip of the employee. For example:

If the employee is prevented from working the full notice by the employer, the employer is obliged to pay the employee the full sum of wages that would be payable during the unexpired period of notice.

Official Source: Termination of Employment - DIER

Deleting Employees

We do not recommend deleting employees on Talexio, as employee profiles may have payslips, leave bookings, documents, etc. attached to them. Deleting an employee can, in turn, have payroll implications. As such, Talexio will not let you delete an employee who has any payslips on Talexio:

However, there may exist cases where you need to delete a user (for example: in cases where an employee is added before joining the company, only for the employee to never start working with the company). In such cases, you may delete the user from Talexio by going to the People section and clicking on the delete icon near the employee's name:

This action is irreversible. 

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