Working Schedule

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Within the Time and Attendance module, you will find access to the Working Schedule, helping you manage shifts and track attendance more efficiently. From the Working Schedule, you can generate your company/department’s shifts on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.



To make use of the Working Schedule, Manage Time and Attendance Settings (this must be set as global) and Manage T&A Working Schedules permissions must be enabled.

Working Schedule Overview

Until shifts are scheduled, the Working Schedule will display the message “No Shifts Scheduled” 


Once shifts have been generated and published, the Working Schedule will display all the shifts which were generated and published for the employees on each day:



Working Schedule Filters

Within the Working Schedule, there are a number of filters that make it easy to see only the information you wish to see.



These filters include:

  • This allows you to view the respective employee’s schedule

  • This allows you to see the shifts generated for all employees within the department

  • This allows you to see the employee's schedule for a specific Job Schedule

  • This allows you to see the schedule of all employees who are assigned to that position title

  • This allows you to filter employees' schedules based on their Work Location. For example: Choosing to filter by employees working in the Attard Office.

  • These allow you to apply specific criteria to the Working Schedule.

    • Show employees without schedule - This filter allows you to view employees who have not yet been assigned a shift. Generally, employees who do not have a shift assigned to them will not be shown.
    • Hide unpublished shifts - The following allows you to only view published shifts, rather than both of them.
    • Show configured shifts - The following shows a preview of what the shift would look like, although it has not been created.
    • Show employee's leave - Approved leave can be shown or hidden from the Working Schedule.
    • Use Work Location colour - By default, the system will use the shift template colour in the Working Schedule. By enabling this, the shift within the Work Schedule will reflect the colour of the Work Location. 

When adding in shifts manually, it is important that the advanced filter "Show employees without schedule" is on.

Working Schedule Views and Warnings

Viewing the working schedule can be done in different ways: Daily view, Weekly view, Monthly view, or my schedule.


When the view is set to weekly, a new filter is added. This filter allows you to group by Employee, Shift Template or Work Location


When a Working Schedule Needs are set up but not met, a warning symbol will be displayed, with a message explaining the needs not met.

rule 5.png


You will also see a marker on shifts when comments have been added. A green marker means that there is an unread comment on the shift, and a blue marker means that there is a comment on the shift that has been read. With these markers there is also a counter regarding how many comments there are.

Shift Comments.png


Some Important points

  • Before using the working schedule, the respective shifts need to be added. Populating your roster can be done in bulk or individually. Check the article here on the different options you have to add shifts to your roster.


    After shifts have been added, this does not mean that the shifts have been published. The shifts will need to be published to make them visible for others who have access to view their shifts.

    1. Go to the Time and Attendance Section
    2. Click on “Working Schedule” tab
    3. If you are reviewing the schedule in a Monthly view:
      • Click on the day you wish to book leave. Click Add Leave
    • If you would to change a shift to leave, hover over the shift and click on the 3 dots. Then select 'Add leave'. From here you will be able to book leave equivalent to the shift time:

    For detailed instructions on how to book leave, please refer to the following article.
  • Leave entries which are visible in T&A may be edited or cancelled. To do so simply click on the 3 dots on the leave entry and select edit or cancel as required:


    For more information on how to edit or delete leave, please refer to this article.

  • For published shifts users can view key information at a glance from each individual shift pod. By clicking the shift's burger menu (three dots), one also have access to additional functionality for that shift.


    Available items

    1. View/Edit Details:

      This allows you to view detailed information of a shift, or edit it if unpublished.

    2. Request Swap:

      Shifts set for a future date can be swapped between employees. More information can be found here.

    3. Copy Shift:

      You can copy a shift and paste into into other locations, using the same information without having to recreate it. More information on how to copy shifts can be found here.

    4. View Location:
      This will provide you with the exact location where a shift will happen, displayed on a map.
    5. View Comments:

      Employees and Managers can add and review comments which relate to the shift on that day.

    6. Publish/Unpublish/Remove Shift:

      This allows you to Publish/Unpublish/Remove the specific shift.

  • Changes to shifts may be done through the Bulk Changes function. By clicking on “Bulk Changes” will allow you to publish, unpublish and delete shifts in bulk.


  • After publishing your employees' shifts, you can export various reports that provide a detailed breakdown of the Working Schedule information. For more details about these reports, please refer to the article here.


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