Settings Permissions

Daniel Galea St John
Daniel Galea St John
  • Updated


Permissions determine what you can and cannot see/do on Talexio. It is important to set these up correctly. Click here for detailed instructions on how to set up permissions. Click here for the full list of available permissions. Read on for an explanation on the permissions relating to Talexio settings. Settings permissions primarily target what you can see and do in the Settings section. 



To set up and manage permissions, you will need the Manage Permissions permission, and this must be set to global. 

Settings Permissions

There are 11 permissions in this section: 

  • This allows users to access the Client Settings and Integrations tabs in the Settings section:


    Here, users can do the following:

    • Theme settings: 


      • Upload a company logo (this will appear on each user's Talexio account - at the top left hand corner) and on payslips;
      • Set primary and secondary company colours for the Talexio account;
      • Enable/disable light mode.

    • Email settings:


      • Set Reply-to email address(es);
      • Set Daily leave email times; 
      • Enable/disable acceptance requirement for overtime shifts;
      • Exclude Contractors from the Daily leave emails.
    • System settings:


      • Set leave balance in day/hours;
      • Switch time and attendance daily roundings on/off;
      • Enable signRequest for signing documents;
      • Switch on clockings summary in payslip for employees who are paid according to approved hours;
      • Set login token expiry days (default is 30 days);
      • Hide the punch clock label from the online punch clock;
      • Set a minimum leave request period (for example, 3 days would mean that employees must book leave at least 3 days in advance);
      • Allow non-approvers to view leave requests;
      • Show leave breakdown in payslips.

    For a detailed explanation on this tab, click here

    • Integrations: any integrations with other softwares can be managed from here.

  • This allows users to access the Custom fields tab in the Settings section. Here, users can add, edit, and delete custom fields.


    Please note that this permission only works on global.
    For more information on custom fields and how to use them, click here

  • This allows users to access the Job Schedules tab. Users may add, edit, and delete Job Schedules. By default, this is located in the Scheduler section (for those who have the Time and Attendance module. For those who do not, this is a standalone section:


    Please note that this permission only works on global.

    For more information on Job Schedules, click here

  • This permission is no longer in use. 

  • This allows users to access and manage permissions. This permission only works on global. For detailed information on this permission, click here

  • This allows users to access the Positions tab in the Settings section. Here, users can add, edit, and delete position titles.

    Please note that this permission only works on global.
    For more information on position titles, click here

  • This allows users to access the Public Holidays tab in the Leave section. Here, users can add, edit, and delete public holidays, as well as import public holidays in bulk. Please note that, by default, Maltese public holidays are added to the system from our end each year.

    Users will also gain access to the leave calendar, but this will be empty unless users also have the View Other Employee Leave permission. Please note that this permission only works on global.

  • This allows users to create, edit, generate and delete template documents. Please note that you will also need the Manage Client Settings permission to make use of this permission, and that both permissions need to be set on global. 


    For more information on Template documents, click here

  • This allows users to access the Organisation Structure tab in the Settings section. Here, users can create, edit, delete units (though you cannot delete a unit which has employees in it). 


    Please note that without one of the below permissions, the user will only see blank units (such user will need to click on 'show empty units' to see all units). The below permissions will allow the user to see the employees within the units (however, they will also grant the user access to the People section - click here for more information on these permissions and how they work):

      • View All Employee Data;
      • Manage All Employee Data;
      • View Employment Position History; or
      • Manage Employment Position History.

  • This allows users to access the Organisation Structure tab in the Settings section.


  • This allows users to access the Organisation Structure tab in the Settings section. Here, users can view units only. They cannot create, edit, or delete units unless they have the Manage Units permission.


    Please note that without one of the below permissions, the user will only see blank units (such user will need to click on 'show empty units' to see all units). The below permissions will allow the user to see the employees within the units (however, they will also grant the user access to the People section - click here for more information on these permissions and how they work):

      • View All Employee Data;
      • Manage All Employee Data;
      • View Employment Position History; or
      • Manage Employment Position History.

