You might encounter a situation where an employee(s) clockings do not match what was to be expected. This could be that the timings do not match, or the hours are not showing for approval. This article will explain the reasons why this could be the case.
You need to ensure that you have the permissions:
- View Time Clocking
- Approve Time Clocking
- View Other Employee Leave
- View T&A Working Schedules
Access to the CDM is for administrators only who should have access already, or can contact the support team for access.
Hours Are Missing in the Approval
Hours that have been clocked can sometimes be thought of as missing for several reasons. This is assuming that the hours have indeed been clocked which can be confirmed on the device on which the hours were clocked or on the CDM if you have access to this.
Clocked Hours Missing from the Punch Device
When an employee has been created on Talexio HR, their details will be synchronised with the punch clock and a profile for this employee will be created. At times, an additional profile for the employee may be created directly on the device, and the employee has been using this profile instead of the one that has been created on Talexio for punching. This can be confirmed by making a comparison of the clocking transactions on the CDM and the profiles for this employee on the CDM.
Clocked Hours Missing due to Shift Settings
There are 3 shift settings that could impact the clockings in a way that would seem that they are missing. These settings are:
- Enforce Shift Start Time - if the employees clock in before the shift start time (as set in the shift details), any excess time before the shift start time will be ignored and discarded automatically in the review process.
- Rounding of Clockings - If rounding is set, the employee may log in up to the identified time without this affecting their time log. Should they log in after the rounding time has elapsed, this time will be deducted from their time logged.
- Maximum Overtime Rule - The amount added in this field will be the maximum amount of minutes granted to an employee for Overtime. This figure will be granted even if the clocked hours exceed this amount.
Clocked Hours Showing Incorrectly
Hours may at times not show as expected. You may have expected the hours to show as Basic but they show as Overtime, or vice versa. If this happens, what can be the cause?
Shift Missing from the Scheduler
When there is no shift set on the Working Schedule, any clockings made against that date would automatically go through approval as Overtime hours, since it is seen that the employee was not meant to be working that day. At first when you locate the clocking for approval, it will show with an exception "No Matching Shift" and you will need to apply an Approval Block.
This can be amended by either; creating a shift in the scheduler that these clockings can link to, or, amend from the Review and Approve to show as Basic Hours.
This situation would also happen if the shift existed on the Scheduler, but the clockings were not linked to this shift. This can be corrected following the steps outlined in this article.
Leave Already Booked
When there is Leave booked for a time period or for a Full Day, this may overlap/coincide with the clockings made. When this happens, the total hours for the day will increase and will impact the Basic and Overtime Hours.
To correct this, you will need to either; remove the booked leave if it was not taken, or, amend the clocking data to reflect the correct clocking period.