Leave Types and their Settings

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Leave types are the specific settings and permissions relating to the different types of leave applicable to your company (such as Vacation, sick, parental, study leave, injury leave, etc..).

By default, a number of leave types are already set up. These are:

  • Vacation Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Maternity Leave
  • Injury Leave

Leave entitlements are also automatically set up for these leave types. These are also updated each year from Talexio's end unless you choose to manually amend them.

The Onboarding Assistant's appearance has been updated. The videos in this article may look different from your account, but the system works the same.




To set up and manage leave types, you will need the Manage Leave Types permission. Click here for more information on this permission.

Leave Types

To access this, you will need to go to the Leave section and click on Leave Types:

There are a number of settings for the leave types but these are explained below:

  • You can set a default colour for Leave types so that they are clearly distinguishable in the Leave Calendar.

    Leave Type Colour.jpg
  • The balance of this leave type will show in all employees’ Leave Breakdown on their profile.

    Leave Breakdown.jpg
  • There may be some leave types added to your system that are there for record purposes and aren’t meant to be added in the payslip calculation and ones that should be. Turning this toggle on will include the leave taken into the payslip calculations. Any leave booked will show as split between Basic hours and Leave hours if you have the Payroll Module enabled. If you would like to pay off leave, this setting needs to be on for the relevant leave type you wish to pay off.

    Leave in Payslip.jpg
  • By law, Vacation leave will always show in the payslip. For official confirmation on what should show on a payslip, click here. This is how Talexio is set up by default.
    Should you like to show employees the balance of other leave types in the Balances to Date section of the payslip, you will need to turn on this toggle. 

    You might notice that the option to show the balance in payslip is greyed out. This can be because either Show Balance to Employee is switched off or Allow users to request is switched off. 

  • In order for employees to be able to book a certain type of leave, the Allow Users to Request toggle needs to be on. The leave type will show in the drop-down of leave types the employee can request. This is dependent on the employees having the Request Leave permission

    Leave Request Dropdown.jpg

    When this switch is on, users will also be able to activate the Show Balance in Payslip, which will allow employees to view how much leave balance they have left on their payslip.
    The employee would also be impacted by the Additional Leave Type permissions.

    When this is turned off, this will not impact Admin users who will still be able to request these leave types.
  • The balance of this leave type will be given pro-rata based on the employee's Job Schedule and Employment Period. By default, vacation and sick leave should be enabled pro-rata.


    When entitlements are calculated pro-rata, there are a 2 calculations to consider:

    Entitlement prorated on Employment Period: Full Time Annual Base Entitlement * (Employed Calendar Days/365)

    Entitlement prorated on Job Schedule: Entitlement Pro Rated on Employment Period * (Annual Hours/ Annual Hours of Full Time Employee)

  • Employees who do not work on a fixed schedule can accumulate leave on the hours they work. Accumulated leave is the leave that a non-full time employee amasses over the period of their employment.


    Hours worked * (Annual leave entitlement / Full Time employee annual working hours)

  • The Accrued Only function in the leave types will allow you to restrict users to booking only the accrued leave balance, meaning the leave that an employee has accrued up to the end of the current period. 

    Accrued Only Leave.jpg

    If your company allows it, then an employee may book as much leave as they want (as long as they do not exceed their balance). This would mean that the Accrued Only toggle is turned off.
  • Employees who do not work on a fixed schedule do not begin their employment with a base entitlement, but rather accumulate leave on the hours they work. Enabling this option will restrict users to booking only the Accumulated leave balance.

Additional Leave Type Settings

Each leave type includes a More menu item. Clicking on it will give you the below functions:

  • This allows you to manage which employees can request and/or approve, by leave type. Click here for more information on this. 

    Leave Type Permissions.jpg
  • This (formerly known as 'Manage Restrictions') allows you to manage which leave types show by:
    • Country of Position History - Here, you will be able to select one or more countries. Doing so will only allow employees whose employment position country is the same as the selected country to book leave.
      By not inputting anything in this field, the leave type will be available to all countries (unless other restrictions (read on below) are added, and depending on their permissions).

      By not inputting anything in this field, the leave type will be available to all countries (unless other restrictions (read on below) are added, and depending on their permissions).

    • Job Schedule - Here, you will be able to select one or more job schedules. Doing so will only allow employees whose current employment position Job Schedule is the same as the selected Job Schedule to book leave.

      By not inputting anything in this field, the leave type will be available to employees on any type of job schedule (unless other restrictions are added, and depending on their permissions).

      Leave Type Restriction Job Schedule.jpg

    • Business Unit - If your account includes more than one Business Unit, you may hide certain Leave types from show for certain business units. For more information on units and business units, click here.

      Unlike the country and job schedule settings, by selecting a business unit, you will be restricting employees with that business unit(s) from booking that leave type.

      By not ticking any of the business units, the leave type will be available to employees in all business units (unless other restrictions are added, and depending on their permissions).

      Leave Type Restriction Business Unit.jpg

  • If the leave balance is to carry forward to the following year, you can set a maximum number of hours that are allowed to be carried forward. Read more about the Carry Forward wizard
  • Leave tags are a specific subset of a leave type. For information on leave tags, click here.
  • If you would like to set up an automated checklist for a leave type, you can select this option. This is often used to send out an automated checklist to employees to upload their sick leave certificates when they are sick for any number of specified days in a row. Detailed instructions can be found here.
  • If the leave entitlements of a given leave type should apply to a non-calendar year, then you can add the custom leave date range from here.

    To set this up, select a department for whom this different calendar year will apply. Then select the start and end dates for which the leave entitlement will apply (this is used only in cases when the entitlement is not applicable to a January-December calendar year). If the leave periods spans over 2 years, then tick the 'extend to next year' button. You may add multiple departments for whom this applies. 
  • By clicking on more options, you will be presented with the below popup:

    • Employees can request to cancel leave: this allows employees with basic request leave permissions to cancel their leave (subject to approval).
    • Carries Forward: Any pending balance of this leave type will be carried forward at the end of the year.
    • Allow Half-Pay: Enabling this will allow users to book half pay leave balance. If this is enabled, you will need to also set a Leave Entitlement.
    • Allow Unpaid: Enabling this will allow users to keep booking leave when they've used up all their leave balance. Any additional leave booked over and above their balance will be automatically set to Unpaid (and therefore will not be remunerated for it). 
    • Allow back-dated requests: Allows users to restrict the booking or cancellation of past leave only to employees who have ‘Approve Leave’ permission.
    • Ignore in T&A calculations: Enabling this will exclude a leave type from appearing in the time and attendance section. 
    • Use Friendly Name - Setting up of Friendly names on Talexio is a way of setting default names for more sensitive leave types. More information on this can be found here.
  • This deletes the leave type.

    You cannot delete a leave type which has leave already booked.

Show Balance in Days vs. Hours

One other thing you may do is to display the leave in days. By default, leave balances on Talexio are displayed in hours. You can switch on the show balance in days switch in Leave Types, then the leave will show in days.

Leave in Days.jpg


1 day of Leave is equivalent to 1 working day according to the employee's position.


1 Day = Job Schedule Fixed Weekly Hours / Job Schedule Fixed Weekly Days


1 Day = Job Schedule Fixed Weekly Hours (40 hrs) / Job Schedule Fixed Weekly Days (5 Days) = 8 Hours

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