Release notes 19/01/2022

Daniel Galea St John
Daniel Galea St John
  • Updated

We’re starting off the year with some exciting new features!


New Module: Employee Virtual Cards

  • Company provisioned employee cards are a popular way to give benefits to your team members. Our virtual cards are available from the Talexio web app and can be scanned using any phone via QR codes - meaning that you do not need to purchase any equipment or provision any physical cards. Click here to learn more about this new module  and speak to our support team for a demo.

New Feature: Open Shifts

  • The “Open shift” will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for your employees and published only by users that have the “Manage T&A schedule” permission. Once claimed, the “Open shift” will be part of that employee's schedule. Click here for a step-by-step tutorial or contact our support team for more information.

New Feature: Default Overtime Rates

  • Overtime rates can now be defaulted through the “Client settings'' page. Once configured, any new employees enrolled will have these fields automatically included. This feature will also work when new positions are applied for employees within your company. Click here for a step-by-step tutorial.



  • Newly uploaded documents in the template documents section can now be categorised into specific folders. When generated, for employees they are created automatically in this folder. 
  • We have updated the look and feel of the Settings section. This has allowed us to categorise settings and improve on the ease of use.



  • Leave totals report now includes a new tab when downloaded which includes more details about your employee leave.
  • A new toggle is now included in the leave report so that Talexio users can include employees without leave booked in their report.
  • Full leave report now includes employee address and contact number.
  • We have introduced a client setting whereas companies can give complete leave visibility to their employees, be it pending or approved. Click here to view a step-by-step article.
  • Leave balances for terminated employees can now be edited.



  • Included the option to skip certain validations when proceeding to download F3 and SSC files during the End-of-Year process.

Note: Users running this process are suggested to take note of the shown validations on their screens and correct accordingly.

  • The payroll report now includes a breakdown for employees registered as student apprentices. This includes hours worked in the current month plus to date as well as leave hours and overtime hours.
  • Another feature in our payroll report has been introduced. When downloaded, this report now includes the option to include an adjustment breakdown with additional hours, per employee and a total adjustment breakdown based on the generated payroll.
  • Certain payroll functions are now not included for retired (inactive) business units. All data processed still remains available but not editable. 
  • Moved bulk FS3 generation to a background job for a more efficient process.



  • The default view in the scheduler has been optimised to load data faster. By default you will now see the initial data from your own department with the ability to switch to other  department schedules based on your permissions.
  • Employees with “View T&A Working Schedules” permission now have access to the filter options in the scheduler, this will improve team visibility.
  • Optimised the cost report that is run through the scheduler.



  • In one of our latest releases we addressed a lot of speed improvements of this module, now, we have also improved the bulk approving process in Talexio. When approving 10 or more clockings, the function will be executed in one single command. As a result, Talexio T&A users will see an improved and more efficient process.


  • Filter options have been optimised to display the current year by default. Talexio users still have the flexibility to view desired dates and also switch to the previous year with just one click.


Cloud Device Manager (CDM)

  • Employee list can now start being updated on clocking devices automatically upon termination. Kindly click here to view step-by-step instructions. Should questions or concerns arise during the process kindly contact our support team for assistance.


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For a look at the previous period's Release Notes click here.
