Adding an Employee's Employment Position

Alasdair MacNeill
Alasdair MacNeill
  • Updated


Employees are what make up your company. Employees are displayed in the People section of your Talexio account. More information on how to add employees and their basic details can be found here

On Talexio an employee is linked to one profile, and any changes to their role are reflected within this same profile (For example, an increase in salary, a change in position title, etc..). This is referred to as the employee's Employment Position. This article explains how to create a new Employment Position.



To add employees to Talexio, you will need:

  • Create Employee permission on global
  • View or Manage All Employee Data.
  • If you want to add an employee's position (and salary details), you will also need the Manage Employment Position History permission.

A new employee profile can be created individually or else uploaded in bulk via the onboarding assistant.

Adding a New Employment Position

If you are creating a new employee from scratch, you will first need to input the employee's details

If you have already inputted the employee's details, you may locate the employee's profile from the People section and input their details using the steps here.

Employment Position Tabs and Fields

The Position is made of 5 different sub-sections (or 4 if you do not have the Time and attendance module enabled). Within these sections are fields that will have a bearing on the Employment Position. These re all explained below.

  • The Job Description tab contains the general information regarding this particular Employment Position
    Job Description.jpg

    You are required to input the employee's department, position name, and country of employment (it is important that if the employee is going to be part of payroll, Malta is selected here).

    If you select another country as the country of employment, the employee will be eligible for the leave entitlements of that country. You can set up entitlements for different countries here.  

    Other mandatory fields are the employee's job schedule and the start date (the date the employee begins working this position). 

    You can also (optionally) specify the following:

    • Third Party Contractor - selecting this option will automatically set the employee's payroll frequency to Never. For more information on Third Party Contractors, you can refer to this article.
    • In managerial position - selecting this option means that the employee will be displayed above colleagues in the same department in the organisation chart. It also means that the employee is not eligible for the 15% Overtime tax concession.
    • Is student - if the employee is a student, then they will fall under a different NI category. If the employee is on a student apprenticeship, then you can also specify this. For more information on students, you can refer to this article
    • Reports to - if the employee should report to a manager/other employee, you can input such employee(s) in the Reports to field. Please note that there is a separate permission level that will grant users access to view/manage data of those who report to them. For more information on setting permissions, click here.
    • Additionally, you may input the probation period and date, as well as any job description. 

    Once this data has been inputted, click on the second tab. 

  • The Remuneration Package tab contains the details regarding this particular Employment Position's salary and benefits. 
    Remuneration Package.jpg

    Here, you need to specify the employee's annual or hourly salary, the currency of such salary and director fees.

    Additionally, in cases where part of an employee's normal schedule includes working hours at a different hourly rate, you may add such additional hourly rates in the +Add additional hourly rate section. An example of this would be:

    • An employee works in the construction industry. If s/he works on different sites and is paid differently at each site, you may add additional hourly rates here. In this case, you would first need to set up the work code (for example: Site A and Site B). Click here for information on how to add work codes

    You may also assign fringe benefits and/or adjustments/allowances to the employee by clicking on the +Add fringe benefits and +Add adjustments buttons. 

    Once these details are completed you can move to the third tab. 

  • This section is only available to those who have the Time & Attendance module enabled. It contains all the Time & Attendance settings applicable to this employee during this Employment Position period.
    Time and Attendance.jpg


    • Enable Time & Attendance: Switching on this toggle enables employees to record their time using the physical or online punch clock.
    • Hide from approval step: When this option is on, employee clockings will bypass approval stage and are only used for reporting purposes.
    • Default all clocked hours as basic: When this option is on, all hours clocked by employees will automatically be added as basic hours and there will be no automated overtime hours.
    • Use approved basic hours in payroll: When this option is on, the employee will be paid on the basis of his/her approved basic hours. Leaving this unticked means that the employee will be paid on the basis of his/her job schedule hours (for example, an employee working on a full time 40 hour basis would be paid on 40 hours per week, even if s/he clocks in 39 hours). 
    • Use approved overtime hours in payroll: When this option is on, any hours punched in over and above the employee's normal scheduled hours will be included in the payroll as overtime (once approved). 
    • Clocks out for break: This applies for employees whose shift includes a portion of unpaid break. Switching on this button means that the employee needs to punch in and out twice during a day (with the time in between being the break). In cases where an employee has an unpaid break but this button is not switched on, the system will automatically deduct that portion of the unpaid break from the clocks hours. For more on shift templates, click here
    • Use personalized rotation: This is used to assign a rotation shift to an employee. For more information on this, click here.

    This brings us to the fourth tab.

  • In this section, you will set the different rates of pay based on the employees hourly rate for different days of the week. We have created specific articles for this section regarding the Overtime & Basic rates and also for the automation of leave entitlements being added to employees based on work completed during these days.

    You may also specify different rates for given time frames. Click here or more information on these additional shift allowances. 
    Overtime and Basic rates.jpg

  • The final section of an employee's position specifies other settings that will impact the employee's payroll.
    • Payroll Frequency: this refers to the frequency of the payroll that the employee will be available on. The options are monthly, weekly, fortnightly, four weeks, or never. Please note that if you select never, the employee will not appear in payroll. 
    • Monthly Advance Payment: if an employee is to be paid an advance payment, insert the monthly amount here. You may refer to this for more information. 
    • Tax Rate Types: this refers to the rate of tax an employee is to pay. There are various options:
      • Standard: these are the progressive income tax rates, and are dependent on the employee's tax status (single, married, parent). Refer to this link for more details on the rates. 
      • Part-Time (if not main employment): if the employee's position is not their main source of employment, then such employee is eligible to pay 10% tax on the first €10,000 of income. After that, the system defaults tax payments to 25%. These percentages may be changed, however, changing tax rates may result in the employee receiving a bill at the end of the year. If you take a look at the below image, you will see that 'PT Tax Rate' is blank. When this is blank, it will take the latest applicable PT rate (in cases where the government announces changes). 
      • Qualified person: this option is fixed at 15% tax. You should only select this option if the employee is eligible for this tax rate.
      • Sport: this option is fixed at 7.5%. You should only select this option if the employee is eligible for this tax rate.
      • Artist: like the sport tax rate, this option is fixed at 7.5%. You should only select this option if the employee is eligible for this tax rate.
      • Permanent Non-Resident: this option is set at 0% tax and applies only to permanent non-residents
      • Other: this option must only be chosen if the applicable tax rate is not found in any of the above options. Here you may specify the tax rate. 
    • Pay from: this refers to the company bank account from which the employees' payslip payments will be taken. This is set up here.  
    • Use Overtime Concession: by ticking this, the employee is opting in for overtime concession rates. Not everyone is eligible for this, however, so if an employee has opted in for the overtime concession but is not eligible, the system will exclude him/her from this scheme. Click here for detailed information on this. 
    • Use base rate for NI Calculations: this option is only applicable where an employee is paid at different rates for basic hours. In such case, by ticking this tick box, the NI will be calculated on the base rate, even when an employee earns more than 100% for hours of work. 
    • Exclude Gov. Bonuses: if an employee is not eligible for the government bonuses, this button needs to be ticked. 
    • Exclude leave entitlements: if an employee is not eligible for any leave, you may tick this option. 
    • Use 10% rate (if SSC Cat B): this applies for employees whose basic weekly wage puts them under category B of the Social Security rates (for more information about SSC categories, access this link. For those employees whose basic weekly wage falls under category B, they may choose to pay 10% of their basic weekly wage instead €18.11. In such case, you would tick this box;
    • Don't pay NI: this applies for employees who pay NI with another employer;
    • Pay NI if min. wage: employees who earn less than the minimum wage are not entitled to pay NI. The minimum eligible NI payable is calculated as anything above: The upper limit of SSC Category A Bracket (in 2024 this is 213.54/40 hours * 8 hours). Employees with a weekly salary below the result will not pay NI unless you tick the 'Pay NI if min. wage' tickbox. If any employee still wishes to pay (despite there being negligible impact), you can tick this box;
    • Don't pay company NI;
    • Don't pay maternity fund.
    • Cost centre: here, you may select the cost centre(s), if any, that the employee is assigned to. Click here for more information. 
    • NI Basic Wage Type: Click here for more information on how the calculation of NI is calculated. 

    Finally, clicking Add will complete the position into the Employee's Employment Position history.

Editing an employee's Employment Position

To edit a position, click on the edit icon next to the position. Adding multiple positions will display the employee's trail: 


Having a trail of positions linked to one account means that you do not need to create a new profile each time an employee changes position/schedule/salary/etc. It also serves a good history of the employee's time at a company. 

Click here for detailed information on how to edit a position. 


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