Payroll Module Overview
Creating a Payroll and Adding Employees
How is the Basic Amount calculated?
How is the Basic Pay calculated when there's a change in Position History?
How are Basic Hours calculated?
Public holidays in payroll
How are Irregular Employees' Public Holiday hours entitlement calculated?
Bank File Validations
How is the Leave Amount calculated?
What are Advance Payments?
How is Social Security calculated?
How is Maternity Leave Fund (MLF) calculated?
Employee Tax
How are non-residents taxed?
How are Fringe Benefits calculated?
How are Benefits and Allowances calculated pro-rata?
How are Government Allowances/Bonuses calculated?
Government Bonus Part-timer Settings
How is Sickness Benefit Deduction calculated?
How is Injury Benefit Deduction calculated?
Share Options
Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme (VOPS)
Overtime and Extra Basic Hours
Allowance requests: Adding an allowance
Allowance requests: Requesting an allowance
Allowance requests: Approving an allowance
Allowance Requests: Requesting Overtime from Time & Attendance
How to Pay off Leave Balance
Bulk edit payroll
Internal remarks and Payslip remarks