Time & Attendance
Time & Attendance Overview
Enabling Time & Attendance for employees
Shift Allowances
Lateness penalties
Setting up the work locations
Hot desking module
Job Schedules
Working Schedule Needs
Setting up Shift Templates
Configuring Shifts with the Schedule Generator
Personalised Rotation Patterns
Set same day shifts in personalised rotation patterns
Editing Personalised Rotation Patterns Templates
Updating Assigned Personalised Rotation Patterns in bulk
Working Schedule
Viewing Configured Shifts on the Working Schedule
Generating the Working Schedule
How to copy shifts
Creating open shifts and how are they claimed
How do I schedule overtime in a roster?
Switch on approval request for overtime shifts
Uploading Shifts without a Shift Template
Editing Personalised Rotation Pattern at Schedule Generation
Scheduler Validations
Publishing the Working Schedule
Working Schedule Reports
Swapping Shifts on the Working Schedule
Online Punch Clock Overview
How to use the online punch clock
Clocking reminders